Why Seafood Is So Healthy

Fish and other seafood are identified as good source of protein and does not comprise of high saturated fats. Comparatively to other fatty meats even the calories level is low in fish and seafood.

The above given fact proves that fish is a valuable addition to anybody's diet. In fact you can view great advantage of fish. By consuming fist at least two time a week can be an excellent source for your body, as it one of the richest natural sources of Omega 3 essential fatty acids. Fatty fish like mackerel, salmon, trout, and sardines comprise high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids.

Researchers by now have proved that Omega 3 fatty acids offer safety against harmful cardiovascular disease by reducing the levels of poor cholesterol and lowers blood pressure slightly. Some studies have also exposed several health benefits such as defending children from asthma and lowering the risk of prostate cancer.

Widely speaking Omega 3 prevents the arrival of diseases such as macular degeneration, which is one of the most widespread causes of blindness related to aging. Increase in Omega 3 fatty is favorable for people with diabetics as it maintain good amount of control of blood sugar level and has been proved to delay the appearance of dementia and as well Alzheimer's disease.

More recent studies which have focused on its impact on the nervous system have proven benefits in brain function and even in combating depression.

You cannot find Omega 3 fatty acids appearing naturally in cells of your body, but one of the best ways to attain this is by way of diet. It is obvious that Omega 3 fatty acids is beneficial for health but is it necessary that it has to come from seafood or fish?

You can come across three different types of Omega 3 fatty acids such as ALA - alpha-linolenic acid, EPA - eicosapentaenoic acid and DHA - docosahexaenoic acid

Alpha-linolenic acid is generally derived from in tofu and other kinds of soybeans, canola, walnut and flaxseed, and their oils. Any how, ALA requires being transformed in the body before it could be completely absorbed. Your body may not be actually efficient absorbing and evidence that this absorption in fact takes place is rather tenuous.

As a result EPA and DHA become the most significant dietary sources of Omega 3 fatty acids and this is where fish comes into its own. They are one of the most abundant sources of DHA and EPA.

In nature, too much consumption of anything could certainly have effects that are negative, at the same time fish is no exception. One of the major risks of consuming excess fish is the subsidiary and inadvertent eating of contaminants that the fish picks up from waterways. As there are an array of built-up contaminants, which concerns the primary trouble is mercury.

The food sources mercury level in fish differs depending up on the whether the fish is farmed or caught at the wild. Even though, in larger fish, the food chain has a better gathering of contaminants incorporating mercury. While in the usual situations the levels of mercury in most of the fist are not probable to root serious concern to adults with good health state unless consumed on an excess level.

Usually, the people at more risk with lower levels of mercury are infants, children and mainly pregnant women. So it is always better to avoid consumption of fish in you fall into these categories. The nervous system of young children could be damaged by mercury or it can also develop fetus and might augment the risk of miscarriage for pregnant women.

The preponderance of evidence however falls squarely in favor of eating fish. The health benefits derived from Omega 3 far outweigh the possible risks from contaminants. If consumed in moderation there is little doubt that fish can be extremely beneficial.

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About The Author, Isabeldasilva
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