How to Make Red Wine

When you consider all the types of wine available, red wine is among the best. The same methods are used to make the many types of red wine you see in your local wine store. This very debonair type of wine is made from black grapes, getting their color from the skins of the grapes.

In the beginning stages of making red wine, the black grapes that have been picked are put into a crusher. It will gently break the skins of the grapes. Depending on what type of red wine is being made and the tannin that's required, the stalks will either be used or discarded at this point. The grapes are then put into a fermentation vat with the skins. This usually is a long process, taking several weeks to complete. When higher temperature is used, more tannin and color will be extracted from the grapes.

When creating soft wines, the whole grapes are fermented using sealed vats. Carbon dioxide that becomes trapped in the sealed vats ferment the grapes under pressure, which is normally a quick process, taking only a few days. Be aware, that the color and tannin content of the wine is based on how long the fermentation process takes. If the fermentation process takes a long time, the wine will generally be more robust, hold more taste and also color.

The surviving bulk of the grapes will go through a press, to be crushed to create a tannic wine. Many times, this tannic wine is added with a free run wine in order to add a bit more flavor to the wine blend. Both the press and vat wine are then combined and then transferred to tanks or barrels for a second fermentation. The second fermentation takes the longest, although it create the quality and taste of the wine.

All types of fine red wine will spend at least a year in the barrels. The real vintage types of red wine will spend a lot more time in the barrels, possibly several years. The final process involves adding egg whites, which will suspend the yeast and other solids found in the wine downwards, before the wine is racked, filtered, and eventually bottled. As soon as the wine has been bottled, it is then shipped off and sold.

However the vintage type of wine will be stored for a period of time in the bottle before it is offered for sale. The more robust and more expensive types of red wine will benefit the most from aging in the bottle, to preserve flavor and color. However the simple types of red wine don't need to spend much time at all in the bottle.

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