How To Make Great Coffee: Do s And Don ts

Making a great cup of coffee is easier than you may think, even if you re a beginner. Just follow the do s and don ts listed below and you ll be brewing a great cup of java every time.

Do Buy Fresh Coffee Every Week

The best way to retain a coffee s freshness is to purchase whole bean coffee directly from the roaster and store it in a dark and air tight container at room temperature. The longer the coffee sits on a shelf, the more great flavor it will lose over time.

Ideally, you should only be buying about one to two week s worth of coffee at once. If you have to freeze your coffee, make sure it is tightly wrapped and sealed, to avoid picking up flavors and aromas from other food stored in your freezer.

Do Grind as You Go

You should grind your coffee immediately before you brew it. Grinding releases a lot of the flavor, meaning the longer your coffee sits after it s been ground, the more flavor and aroma gets released into the air.

Your grind will also affect the taste. Grind too finely and your coffee will taste bitter, but don t grind enough and you ll get coffee that just tastes flat. Don t fret, though. It simply takes a little practice to get the knack of grinding fineness.

Do Clean Your Pot Each Time You Use It

A coffee pot should be cleaned out with mild soap and thoroughly rinsed after every use. Though tempting to let it sit when you lead a busy life, coffee has a lot of natural oils that are released in the brewing process and these oils tend to stick to the interior of a glass pot.

Over time, or even after one use, these leftover oils will adversely affect the taste and aroma of each following pot of coffee. The difference can be subtle, but is noticeable to coffee lovers.

Don t Mix Coffee Types Together

Never mix different types of coffee beans together. Each bean is roasted a certain way and for a certain flavor. In addition, mixing beans could mean different acidic levels, bodies and flavors, making for one unpleasant cup of coffee. Having said that, though, feel free to do a little experimental mixing for yourself. You may, after all, find a combination that you and your guests find more favorable than the originals.

Don t Let Coffee Fall Below 175 Degrees

Coffee can remain heated for a long time, as long as it doesn t fall below 175 degrees. Once it falls below that temperature, it should be thrown out and a new pot should be brewed. Drinking lukewarm or reheated coffee after it has cooled is almost always unpleasant.

Do Use Filtered Water

We all know that tap water has a taste, so you should also know that taste in the water will affect the flavor of your coffee. Keep tap water minerals and chlorine to a minimum by using filtered or bottled water instead. Or, if you are really serious about good coffee, distill your own water with a countertop distiller.

Don t Overfill the Filter

Overfilling the filter can lead to over brewing and an awful after taste. Instead, follow the concept of one to two tablespoons for every 6 ounces of coffee. Use the indicators on your pot as a guide.

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About The Author, Wesley Johnson
For information on enticing coffee and flavors, see, a popular site about great coffee options, such as flavored decaf coffee -, gourmet coffee gift baskets –, and many more!