Gourmet Coffee - Take Your Coffee Experience To A Higher Level |
Americans love their coffee and according to a study conducted in 2003 proves this. More than eighty percent of Americans drink coffee on a regular basis or even every now and then. The same study found that about sixteen percent of those Americans are drinking gourmet coffee. This is a substantial increase from the nine percent found in the year 1999. As you can see, gourmet coffee is quickly gaining popularity with coffee drinkers with each passing year. Why are specialty coffees becoming so popular? Well, there is one reason that we can think of it simply tastes better. Many of these people still drink their regular coffee each day. However, about one to two times weekly, they will treat themselves to a cup of gourmet coffee. If you are looking for gourmet coffee, you will certainly have no troubles finding it. You can find it ready to go in a grocery store. You could even pounds of beans available for sale at a specialty store. There are many different specialized gourmet coffee varieties, allowing coffee lovers to get what they need when it comes to aftertaste, body, and acidity. Of course, the type of bean and where it is grown, will determine the attributes of that particular coffee. As an example, a bean grown and picked in Sumatra, you will find a darker coffee, thanks to the soil and climatic conditions of the area. However, if the bean is derived from Galapagos Island, you will find a lighter tasting coffee bean. Many people are familiar with the popular Colombian coffee, which is the happy medium between these two, for most people. Many people enjoy this type of coffee because of its freshness. This is because they can choose their beans, ground them, and then brew them in very little time. During your search for coffee, you may be using the internet. Some internet sellers will offer to roast the beans, ground them, and then ship them off to you within one day of placing your order. This is something that appeals to many people and cannot be expected from mass producers of regular coffee. There are many different ways to roast beans. One of the most popular for buyers is the hot air roasting technique. Roasting has a great deal of impact on the taste of the coffee. For example, if you want a dark coffee, the beans will need to remain in the roasting machine longer, giving the flavor time to strengthen. However, if you are looking for a mellow and less bitter type of coffee, you will want light roasted beans. A good way to begin with gourmet coffee, is with a beautiful gift basket. It does not matter rather the basket is for a friend or for yourself, the point is you get to test many different types. This will help you in choosing which type of specialty coffee you prefer and giving you the opportunity to try out many different varieties at the same time. You should know that this coffee will cost you a little bit more than other coffee types, but to some people it is just worth it. Summary: Gourmet coffee is one of the most popular forms of coffee to date. It is available everywhere you look. Some supermarkets offer gourmet coffee freshly brewed, while some stores allow you to buy the beans by the pound.