Drip Coffee And Espresso Differences

Understanding the whole world of coffee can be a hard thing to do. Most people have it easy, and are just ignorant, which is truly fine. You can go through life and enjoy your cup of Maxwell House or Foldgers and it is just great. However, if you are looking for a deeper understanding you might be wondering, what is the difference between espresso and drip coffee.

First I want to make a note that some coffee companies sell a roasted bean called espresso. In this case this is a bean that the company has roasted with the idea of making espresso out of it. However, you can grind it for a regular drip coffee maker (or take it home and grind it) and enjoy it just like that. One of our favorite coffees is espresso roasted coffee. On a similar note if you are making espresso at home you can try other roasts and don't have to stick with the espresso roast. French roast is also makes a very enjoyable cup of espresso.

Understanding drip coffee is the first step to understanding the difference. Drip coffee is the one you probably make every day. It requires a coffee maker that can cost for ten dollars and up. You place a disposable filter in the basket, add your ground coffee, fill the tank with water, turn it on and wait. It doesn't take long and you have a hot and tasty cup of coffee (depending on your preferences). The coffee that is used for making coffee in a drip coffee maker is ground to a medium grind. This has to do with how much water and how fast it is going to go through the coffee. If it were ground finer it would take longer and become more bitter. If it were ground courser the water would flow through it so fast that you would have a very week cup of coffee.

Espresso is made with a special espresso maker or espresso machine. This machine is designed to force water through very fine coffee grounds very quickly. A single shot can usually be made in minutes, including ground time, packing time (the espresso is packed into the machine), and then the approximately 30 seconds it takes to brew the coffee. Espresso is made so that it is strong, but not as bitter as a strong coffee made in a drip coffee maker. It is also creamier. The coffee comes out with a creamy top called crema. This makes it creamier then other coffee. Espresso is thought of by many to be too strong to drink by itself (at least here in the United States), however many drink it in drinks such as the latte, cappuccino, and mocha.

Do not get confused. Espresso is not a powder that can be added though some flavored powders are called espresso or cappuccino powders. It isn't something that can fill your favorite king size mug and it is usually served as a single shot, which is 1-1 1/2 oz or as a double which is 2-3 oz. all depending on the accuracy of the machine. It takes some getting used to, but if you think you want to try it you can get a shot of espresso at a coffee shop for under a dollar. You can also try it con pana which is with whipped cream. If you feel you must add sugar to it, you can, however a good espresso should be without additives.

The world of coffee takes some time getting used to, but it does not have to remain a mystery. With a little help you can get all of the coffee lingo and be on your way to trying new and great things in a matter of moments!

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About The Author, Anthony Sastre
Before buying a coffee maker,check out the award winning Presso at Presso America. Focusing on the area of coffee makers, and espresso makers, Anthony Sastre writes articles for Presso America