Pure Drinking Water |
How much pure drinking water do you need every day? Are there health advantages to pure drinking mineral water? You'll find the answers here. First, let's assume that you have a high quality multi-stage home water purifier that is certified to remove cysts, chlorine, THMs, lead, VOCs, MTBE, pesticides, herbicides and benzene. Because, that is the only way to be sure that you are getting purified drinking water. If a system uses ion exchange to remove lead and copper, then it will replace them with sodium and potassium ions. Thus, you also have purified mineral drinking water. The companies that bottled water would like for you to think that they offer a better choice. But, anything stored in plastic cannot be classified as pure drinking water, because it absorbs the chemicals, odor and taste of the plastic bottle. Environmentalists would like for you to get your pure drinking mineral water from a home purifier and carry it with you in a reusable glass container. The bottles are a major source of pollution. So, how much pure drinking water does an individual need on a daily basis? According to the USDA's dietary reference guides, men over the age of 19 need at least 3.7 liters or 125 ounces per day. Women over 19 need 2.7 liters or 91 ounces per day. Children of course need less. Pregnant women need about 3.0 liters per day. If you are breast feeding, you need about 3.8 liters per day. About 20% of the total recommended water intake comes from foods. Fruits and vegetable, for example, contain a high level of water, and so contribute their share to proper hydration. There is no set "upper limit", but the kidneys can only handle 3 cups of water per hour. So, the cases of toxicity that resulted from water drinking contests overtaxed the kidneys and led to heart failure. If the contestants had survived, they would have suffered from kidney damage or failure. Use thirst as a guide to how much water to drink. More exercise means you need more pure drinking water. If you live and exercise in a dry hot climate, you may need more pure drinking mineral water. Not only do you lose fluids through sweat, but you also lose electrolytes or minerals. That's one reason that drinking distilled waters on a regular basis is not recommended. Distillation removes all minerals from liquids. Recommendations vary for the correct amount of pure drinking water you need. Eight 8 ounce glasses per day is a common rule of thumb. To drink half your weight in ounces every day is another suggestion. Weight is another important factor. Heavy people will need more pure drinking mineral water, particularly if they are trying to lose excess weight. You can get some of the necessary fluids from other beverages, but certain ingredients are also dehydrating. Caffeine, for example, has a dehydrating effect as it increases blood pressure. Also, sugar-filled beverages may increase your appetite and interfere with the brain's signal of "fullness". If you need to lose some weight, have an eight ounce glass of pure mineral water 30 minutes before each meal and drink another glass during each meal. That strategy gives your 6 of the necessary 8 glasses, right there. You should be able to fit two more in somewhere, without too much difficulty. Remember that pure mineral water is the best choice for replenishing your bodily fluids.
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