Some people refer to the Oneness by other names such as the shared consciousness, the cosmic mind or the shared mind. How psychics create these pathways into the Oneness is through their intuitive and psychic skills. Anyone can learn to do this. And this means you too can be psychic.
Being psychic requires training and practice to refine your senses. Your senses tune into energy just like a radio tunes into particular sound waves. Your senses pick up on what is going on around you and it comes through to you via your feelings.
A fundamental role of your intuition is to interpret what your senses are picking up on and communicating to you. There is a direct relationship between your feelings and your intuition. Knowledge that comes through your intiution is called psychic insight.
Some people have a more sensitive sense of sight and their intuition communicates through the psychic insight art of clairvoyance. Clairvoyance means clear seeing. People see energies differently.
In the Oneness you have your own personal and unique way of living and interacting. In the Oneness you access psychic insight in a way that is personal and unique to you. In fact you have your own psychic blueprint! This is the same for all people.
Practising psychics are people who regularly do psychic readings. People who are genuine practising psychics take on another role in the Oneness. This role is about helping to create a shared psychic blueprint. They are helping to uplift the psychic arts and to reinstate intuition and psychic insight to their rightful place of power in our lives.
Psychics can help themselves and others to think, feel, and act more in tune with their highest good. In readings psychics help people through the clairvoyant and psychic insights they access. Genuine psychic and clairvoyant insight help us to know who we are and what make us truly happy.
Many people have talent and psychic ability. There are many people who have a natural psychic gift of clairvoyance or one of the other psychic arts. Many people are using their psychic gifts to better the world and help people.
It is not enough to do psychic work on your own if you want to become a fully integrated psychic. It is about being involved in something greater and more cosmic. It is about using your psychic gifts to support others to discover their true pathways into the Oneness. It helps others to interact in ways that empower them and bring them true happiness.
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