According to the scriptures, you shouldn't trust anyone but Jesus alone. The older you get, the older you will know that trust is something that must be earned and nobody on the face of the planet can guarantee you that for life except for our heavenly father. Guys and girls often feel betrayed by their loved ones and by those that have called themselves "friends." The key in our human existense is to find people that you can believe in somewhat. This seems to be the key word here because you can never trust someone with all of your heart.
I know that there are great men and women in the world that do some really stupid things. However, it shouldn't make you feel like you can rely on or distrust them. Remember that Jesus is the only one in this world that you can fully place your belief in. Every person on the earth will eventually disappoint you from one degree to another. When you look at your own existense, you must try to understand why you are here and why Jesus has placed you in this life at this particular time in history. What are you supposed to be learning and why are you here?
It's good to test people from time to time with small things so that you can see how much you can trust them. Trust is something that is earned and often we can forgive someone that has messed up. It becomes harder to forgive when someone keeps on doing the same mistake over and over again. If you believe that someone has betrayed you, then it's really important for you to just sit down and ask God if you can trust that person again. Remember that there are levels of trust. There are certain people in life that you should just stay completely away from. These are people that fail your trust 70% of the time. You want to keep the people around that are loyal to you most of the time. When someone betrays your trust, you must look at this as being a learning lesson.
Many people have someone that they call their best friend. This is someone that has shown you their love to one degree or another. This is someone that you truly value in your life and perhaps have placed a lot of trust in. Always know inside of your heart, that God is the one that should be your best friend and the one that you confide most in. It's ok to look to others for some type of advice. However, please know that advice can come to us from time to time and we usually only know little about trust. When push comes to shove, it is our inner spirit and ego that truly makes us learn more about our own life to some degree. When we begin to love, we can begin to see why God is allowing us to grow for the most part.
It is so important to find those that you can count on and psychic friends that you can grow to believe in to a certain degree. However, many psychics make the error of thinking that they can trust someone completely and then they find out later that they have been hurt by the person that they assumed was trustworthy. Ask Jesus today to give you personal friends that you can rely on and grow to trust to a certain level.
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