In the progressive city of Santa Monica in California, there would soon be another big event that the automotive world and industry is sure going to look out for. This is according to a statement given out by the mentioned city just a couple of days ago. Now this big event would actually be an exhibition of alternative fuel vehicles, high miles per gallon vehicles, and other technologically advanced products in the industry.
This event has been named the AltCar Expo and this one would allow anybody to enjoy and learn about alternative fuel vehicles free of charge. If you are interested, this one would be taking place on the 9th up until the 10th of December this year at the Barker Hanger which can be found at the city's Air Center.
It was not disclosed though if any Chevrolet parts, auto parts, and other automotive products would be showcased in the mentioned event. The only things that were mentioned during the announcement were that there would be over a hundred alternative fuel vehicles to be shown off there. Plus, high MPG vehicles would also be attending the exhibit. You would surely find various fuel types for hybrid and alternative vehicles. The list of fuels even includes hybrid gas, electric, hydrogen, and compressed natural gasses. Plus, there would also be a display of plug in hybrids, and those vehicles that run on ethanol and biodiesel fuel. Interestingly, you can also be able to find out about electric bicycles, mopeds, scooters with two or three wheels at the event.
What can be considered as the event's main feature would be the portion where people interested can try out any of the vehicles which are included in the show and those which are on display. The organizers call this par the ?ride and drive portion? and it sure would be a big hit for all those who would like to see just what these vehicles are all about. Now if you do find one that you would like to own for yourself, you can ask the organizers about it for there would be some vehicles which would me made readily available for instant purchasing.