The mystical story has been taken from Tolkien's marvelous book. Lord of the Rings is actually a sequence of the book The Hobbit written earlier by Tolkein for his kids. The popularity of The Hobbit lead Tolkein to write another book named The Lord of the Rings. Special care has been taken not to twist Tolkein’s epic writing to fulfill the technicalities of conventional standards of a great theatre musical instead the traditions of theatre has been stretched to the limits to accommodate Tolkein’s writing.
The story possesses amazing opportunity to amuse, thrill and excite the audience with its magical story and mystic events. The story is successfully adapted as a theatre show and it will definitely transport the spectators to a fantasy world with its powerful imagery and special stunning effects where they’ll cry and laugh with the characters.
Till now “The Lord of the Rings" is the most expensive theatre production with more than 24 million dollar cost in the history of theatre. Cast members include 55 characters, having 18 orchestra members and also a set with a turntable and 17 elevators. Hmmm! Just imagine the magnitude of the show. . Tree roots from the front of the stage developing an arch as the auditorium. Audiences witness actors flying and appearing on poles that are 10 feet high. There's also a gigantic spider puppet in the show. Producer of the show-Kevin Wallace says that show's enormous budget allowed all the creators to carry out their fantasies to life.
The basic problem was to enact such a rich story on stage which was full of good versus evil a lot of magic, fights, different locations, landscapes, different species, magnitude of the events and numerous songs including anthems, prayers, old and traditional songs. Now doing all this on stage needed real theoretical artistry and technical perfection. Warchus first reaction was that Tolkein’s 1,000 pages of writing cannot possibly work on stage. But on the second reading the fog started clearing up and he could see ways and possibilities of making the landscapes and all other things appear on stage as originally as it is in story.
The Lord of the Rings and its ancestors, The Hobbit was present during the Third Age of Middle-Earth. Middle-Earth is a supposed to an imaginary continent on an eternally medieval fantasy world called Arda. Arda is packed with magical places, people, and events, at this place the forces of good and evil fight for power. The Continent Arda is described in so minute details that it starts appearing like a real world before our eyes. The weather, climate, geography, and even phases of the moon everything is so accurately described and nothing seems to be left out. This detail description of the things helps the audience to identify themselves with the creatures of Arda. The narration of Middle-Earth is divided into four eras, suitably called the Four Ages. This magical journey starts with the immortals Elves they were the first Children of Ilúvatar (Iluvatar means aka. Eru, “the One" actually God). Elves awoke by the shores of Cuiviénen in Middle-Earth. Soon after their arrival at the shores they were called to Valinor that is the Blessed Realm, by the Valar. Now Valars are analogous to gods of course in the mythological logic though Valar are rarely called gods. Factually speaking in the original story of Arda their role is more of archangels they are more like witnessing and participating in creation instead of initiating things. Whatsoever the situation is, Valar are pretty much in control on Arda for old Ilúvatar. Those particular Elves who traveled to Valinor (that is positioned diagonal to the western sea from Middle-Earth) named as the Eldar, or High Elves. Whereas the ones who stayed back in Middle-Earth became were known as the Sindar, or Elves of the Twilight.
The Eldar of Valinor mastered several arts and crafts from Valar. Out of those skilled Eldar the greatest was Fëanor, he fashioned three gems of peerless beauty recognized as the Silmarils. Unfortunately an evil Vala called Morgoth stole the Silmarils. Morgoth was one of sinister Enemy of the World, Morgoth managed to escape to Middle-Earth. After this incident Fëanor and follower kinsmen vowed to chase Morgoth and obtain the Silmarils back. But when Feanor and his frined returned to the Middle-Earth, to their surprise they discovered that Mortal Men (aka. "Men"), the Second race of Children of Ilúvatar, had arrive into the world. After that for the following centuries, the Elves and Men combat against the forces of Morgoth. The evil forces included such contemptible creatures as orcs, trolls, and dragons. The Eldar and Men failed to recover the Silmarils. Lastly the valliant Beren (a Man) and courageous Lúthien Tinúviel (an Elf maiden) endeavored for Morgoth's monopoly of Angband and succeed to regain one of the Silmarils from the evil Lord's crown. When time passes the great-grandson of Beren and Lúthien was Eärendil the Mariner sailed to Valinor to plead the Valar to gather their forces against Morgoth. The First Age of Middle-Earth finishes with Angband’s defeat. Most of the continent was flooded whereas Morgoth was grounded by the Valar for all eternity.
The Second Age is the period of Númenor. This was the reign of great island kingdom of Men that position within sight of Valinor itself. Eärendil was father of two sons named Elrond and Elros, the Peredhil (Half-Elven). Elrond decided to follow the trail of immortal Elvenkind, though Elros opted to live his life as a Mortal Man. Númenor’s first king was Elros. On the other hand in the land of Eregion in Middle-Earth, Elven smiths (guided by Celebrimbor who was grandson of Fëanor) started counterfeiting the magical Rings full of magnificent Power, talismans these rings bestowed their wearers with immense supernatural abilities like invisibility which was just a small power of the ring. The Elves were without knowing aided in their pains by Sauron who was the former chief lieutenant of Morgoth. When Elves finished their painstaking labors, the evil Sauron copied the Ruling Ring in the fires of Mt. Doom. Just One Ring gave Sauron dominance over the others, causing them to be tainted to his service. Just the Three Rings of the Elves stayed free, those three rings were forged by Celebrimbor alone. Unluckily even they could not be used without Sauron knowing about it. So for the time being, the Elf lords put aside their Rings. The duplication of One Ring exposed Sauron's original nature to the Elves. After gaining the power Sauron announced war upon them. The Evil Lord took over Mordor.
In the meantime, Elros’s descendents, the Edain, turned out to be powerful kings among Mankind. The Númenóreans were enormously powerful and just, but with the passage of time they started envying the immortality of the Elves. This resulted in their vulnerablity to the deceit and dishonesty of Sauron. Sauron's betrayal lead Númenor to distruction and they sank beneath the sea. Just few of the Edain, assisted by the noble Elendil and his sons, Isuldur and Anárion, managed to survive the destruction by sailing to Middle-Earth. Now here Elendil established a kingdom called Arnor in the North, while Isuldur and Anárion developed the kingdom of Gondor in the south. Everyone believed that Sauron was destroyed in the breakdown of Númenor, but actually, his spirit managed to survive and come back to Mordor. Although now that the One Ring existed could not be completely destroyed. Nonetheless, he was not able to take on a generous manifestation.
Elendil united army with Gil-galad who is last of the kings of the Eldar to fight against Sauron. Collectively both the forces of the final Alliance of Elves and Men were capable of storming down Mordor, driving Sauron's forces before them. Sadly both Elendil and Gil-galad were slain, but the valliant Isuldur cut the Ring from Sauron's hand though in the process his father’s sword broke. Sauron survived, he wasn’t killed. Instead of destrying the ring Isuldur kept the Ring for himself. Sauron’s first defeat was the end of the Second Age of Middle-Earth.
When Isuldur was returning home form war he was attached by a company of orcs. Isuldur tried to use the power of the Ring of invisibility to flee, but it slipped from his finger when he was swimming across the Anduin River. Isuldur was murdered by an orc's arrow. Now for centuries the Ring remained at the bottom of the river. Until one day two friends found the ring by chance. (Déagol and Sméagol). On getting the ring Sméagol swiftly murdered Déagol and took the Ring for himself. Smeagol used the powers of ring including the invisibility for all malpractices like thieving and learning secrets. His people detested him and called him "Gollum," due to his weird habit of making gurgling noises in his throat. After being sick of these abuses, Sméagol determined to join the caverns beneath the Misty Mountains and left his home. He thought that he could learn the secrets of the world's making. This happened in the year 2470 of the Third Age of Middle-Earth.
The interest and excitement keep going on as the ages pass by. This magnificent story is equally superbly produced as a show. If you want to identify yourself with the characters then the4 best way is to see the show. The magic starts when the curtains are drawing apart but it doesn’t even stop after the show is finished. You’ll remain in a trance long after you leave the theatre. The magnitude of the theatre and the sets will transport you in to another world the moment you enter the theatre. This show is an experience of metaphysical and physical powers with a sense of achievement. Let the magic begin and enjoy to your fullest.
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