After several months of investigating and changing agreements on United States beef imports to Japan, the latter has decided to finally end the banning of American beef importers that was imposed in January 20, 2006. Ban on American beef was executed when dangerous backbone parts were found in American beef shipments. The event concludes in the assumption that all American beef importers transport beef that are dangerous to Japanese health.
Japan imposed the banning of US beef imports due to the detection of bovine spine or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) that was feared to cause the mad cow disease. The mad cow disease is a condition found in cows that utterly affects its entire nervous system. The harmful element cause the cattle to experience nervousness, to have abnormality in posture, difficulty in muscle coordination, low appetite, and low milk production. Instead of producing nutrients, the cattle may give harmful products that would infringe health. Japanese officials were alarmed of the dangerous elements found in US beef imports for it may affect people who consume the products. Thus, American importers are executing several measures to calm Japan's assumption.
Consequently, Japan suspended the trade of beef between them and United States. Thus, last May of this year, Japan and United States had a two-day convention in Tokyo to discuss about the necessary steps that the US needs to pursue so that beef trade in Japan will open again. The convention was comprised by Japanese officials as well as US health and farm administration. In the said convention, Japan asked the US to allow their health officials to conduct an investigation on US meat packing utilities and their beef processing facilities that were for exports to Japan. Abiding by the rules of investigation, American beef importers obeyed Japan's requirement.
Japan does not only protect its country and people if there were violations found in any standard procedures on beef processing and if there was any mad cow disease symptoms proven on American cattle. For, United States is a major asset among beef importers across the globe and many countries will be affected by its imported products. In 2004-2005 statistics, the United States has produced a total of 461 million pounds or 552 million dollars from its beef exports around the world. Thus, it proves that fear and worry across the global beef market will be experienced if the American cattle production is discovered to have various animal diseases such as the mad cow disease.
Currently, Japan has officially reported the result of their inspection of beef processing plants in America. Japanese investigators say they did not find any violations that affect the process of US beef imports. Therefore, the two trading countries agree on easing the moratorium of American beef importers after assuring its health security by implementing export quarantine standards in United States meat processing facilities. Washington expects Tokyo to officially reopen the beef trade on Thursday.
Japan is one of US beef top markets and Japan is also one of the major beef importers in the world. It has actually exported $1.7 billion worth of Japanese beef in the US in 2002. After the closure of the case, Japan implements a tighter inspection on every American beef product to ensure the security of Japanese health and to continue the US-Japan beef trade with harmony.
Japan Times says after the official announcement of the reopening of beef trade, United States beef goods may enter Japanese coast by last week of July after its suspension for almost six months. Today, the Japanese regulators on beef imports make their final necessary preparations for the importers of American beef. They also ensure that Japan is a mad-cow-disease-free country as the Japanese government also imposes strict inspection on other beef importers as it implements stiffer standard procedures on imported goods.