You will get the chance to ask something that will prove the psychic's skills before the meter starts ticking. You have to be aware you won't get an in depth consultation in 3 minutes, which is often the time given for free calls, but it is time enough to see if there is a connection there with the psychic, before making the decision on whether to continue or not. You will be able to test whether the psychic is being accurate and genuine without spending a dime.
A free phone psychic reading really does benefit both parties. The free offer will benefit the psychic, as they will attract a high number of calls because of this promotion, and more chances to prove themselves. The word 'free' is a proven puller, attracting people who just want to try a phone psychic reading out of curiosity - a no risk offer that could result in answers to pressing question. I am going to suggest in a moment, what the best type of question to ask, on your free phone psychic reading actually is.
I would advise not asking hard, specific or complex questions on your free phone psychic reading, as 3 minutes is really not enough time to cover these types of questions satisfactorily, and for your phone psychic to prove themselves. Your psychic will be be under pressure and may not perform to their best ability, especially if you are too confrontational. You can think about asking more complex questions, when you find a psychic that you are more than happy with.
You need to ask your psychic on your free phone psychic reading - what is the general sense they get about you? You must not give too much away and listen intently to what the psychic is telling you. This general question allows you to see whether the psychic builds a good picture of you, and to judge whether what they say rings true. If the psychic asks you a few yes or no questions, then oblige, as this allows the psychic to get a good feel for you.
Sometimes there will be instances where the psychic doesn't 'get' you and what they say will be way off course, but it is far more common due to the nature of psychic phenomena that your phone psychic reading will ring true and help you make decisions.
If you are really lucky (or do a bit of additional research on each psychic available on the phone psychic reading site) you could expect to be blown away in moments with information that cannot be guessed, or special circumstances that would only apply to you. This is as good as it gets and the feeling is nothing short of amazing.
Totally Free Psychic Reading
Animal CommunicatorWhile growing up as an only child, Frances Greenspan considered her pets as some of her closest buddies and confidantes. Years later, Greenspan, a Southern California resident, has turned her love for animals into a lucrative and rewarding profession. She is a pen and ink animal artist, an animal groomer, and a self-proclaimed animal communicator. Her clients say that she has the uncanny ability to speak with their pets, both living and deceased.
"My wife and I had been having a problem with our dog, Spirit, leaving pee spots on our rug, especially during the night. He had his own doggie door for access to our patio, and we tried repeatedly to get him to understand where he needed to go, both day and night," said John Kohlenberger, one of Greenspan's clients. "While Frances was at our house grooming Spirit, we asked her if she could speak to Spirit about his behavior. She said that the dog told her that the patio tiles were too hard and cold, and that he preferred walking on the rug inside. We put a throw run by his doggie door, and are happy to report that he goes on or near the outside rug during the night, most of the time."
In another case, Greenspan said that a pet owner came to her for help when his cat wouldn't use his cat door. After speaking with the cat in her own way, Greenspan said that she could feel the large feline's constriction and advised the owner to get a larger door. He did and the problem was solved.
Greenspan began to develop her psychic abilities after taking a meditation class, and says that having an open, relaxed mind is key to tapping into the spirit world. Although she says that she is able to reach human spirits, she loves communicating with animals and delights in giving them a "voice."
Greenspan recalls a time when a client came to her, wondering if he should get a companion for his cat. His wife was pregnant and he feared that his pet would be lonely when the baby arrived.
"The cat conveyed to me that he was content, and that he had a special language with his owner," Greenspan said. "The cat's owner confirmed my feelings by telling me that he was learning Japanese through tapes while in his car, and that his pet often accompanied him while taking road trips. The man sometimes spoke in Japanese to his cat, and this was the special language that the shared."
Greenspan, who tunes into an animal's energy about a half an hour before meeting with them, said that she shares the feelings that she is picking up with the owner prior to doing her reading. When she feels that a dog is fearful of men, for example, she can get a vision of what is making the animal scared, such as a foot that kicked them. Greenspan will then try to figure out where the dog came from, and what experiences it went through with previous owners, which could influence its behaviors today.
Greenspan says that she initially realized that she could communicate with animals while she was grooming them, and said that the first occurrence was profound and enlightening.
"I consciously trust what I am hearing from these animals," Greenspan said. "When I first starting hearing their voices I would question their owners and they would confirm what I had heard."
Client Glen Pease met with Greenspan after purchasing a gift certificate that had been donated to a charity event. Her cat of 10 years had passed on, leaving her cat Casper alone. Pease believes that Greenspan was able to reach out and communicate with Casper.
"Frances was able to pick up that Casper was missing another cat soon after meeting him," Pease said. "This was significant because he had just lost his brother three months before. Frances also let us know that Casper would be fine with us getting another cat."
Greenspan said that pet owners would benefit from tuning into what their animals? odd behaviors may be saying. She said that dogs that run away repeatedly often need to be walked more; they are very curious about their surroundings and giving them more freedom will keep them from running away.
"Cats and dogs can pick up on their owners? feelings and emotions," Greenspan also said. "Animals often manifest their owners? symptoms, in order to alleviate their discomfort, and sometimes know when a person is ill."
Greenspan believes that communicating with animals is her true calling and says that it was no mistake that she was named Frances, as St. Francis of Assisi is the patron saint of animals and the environment.
Voice your opinion! Do you believe in psychic abilities? Would you visit an animal communicator to solve a pet-related problem? Tell us what you think by leaving a comment.
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