It's hard stopping junk mail from an industry in the UK that is estimated to be worth some £17 billion per year, employing around 800,000 people and generating £63 billion worth of sales. No wonder that big companies don’t want you to stop junk mail! Stopping junk mail that weighs a staggering 63,000 tons a year is hard. A high proportion of junk is from banks and other financial institutions eager to loan more money, get you to take on yet more credit cards, and take care of what money you do manage to save. The interesting thing is, companies want to stop junk mail. If stopping junk mail is high you priorities, it's on theirs too.
In 2005, Royal Mail delivered 3,300,000,000 pieces of unaddressed junk . That’s 12.1% higher than in 2004. This year looks set to be worse yet. Until recently, the Royal Mail had a code of conduct which meant they delivered a maximum of pieces of unaddressed junk mail per week to each household. In August 2006, Royal Mail abandoned those guidelines, and will now deliver as much junk as it gets paid for – unless you demand that they stop junk mail.
Postwatch, the national watchdog for postal services, recognises the level of public concern at junk and is putting pressure on Royal Mail to make the opting out process easier, clearer, and more comprehensive.
There are two main types – junk mail that has been addressed to you (or to your house), and mail that has no address or name on it. Mail with addresses on has usually been sent to you because a company you have done business with has passed on your personal information to other companies, either for a payment or for some other reason. Often these other companies re-sell or otherwise share your personal information with still more companies! Junk mail with no addresses on is actually delivered by Royal Mail, in exchange for a payment from the companies sending it out.
What can you do about it? The first thing you can do for stopping junk mail is to “opt out" – a process that lets you tell the companies and organisations who send you junk mail that you don’t want any more. This guide tells you how to do that, as well as suggesting other things you can do to combat the rising tide and Stop Junk Mail:
To Stop Junk Mail
Email spam, which is also known as (UBE's) or unsolicited bulk email or commercial email is the very method that hackers and black hat marketers who send unwanted and unneeded emails that are loaded with commercial messages and content in huge quantities and with a frequency that is highly repetitive. It really become one of the first problems when the internet went from becoming a military tool to a consumer tool in the early 1990's.
When is started, it was a niggling problem, viewed as a joke to some and as a way to make money to others, but as time goes by, it grew to a level where it has taken over almost 90% of the public and some private email networks in the digital super corridor today. Today, it has been said that every 10 emails that are sent out on a daily basis, almost 5 – 7 of them are considered to be spam email. Spam email or junk email is the premier cause of time wasting as we end users have to deal with combing through the deluge of emails that have conquered our inbox, sparring with an anti-spam email system that doesn't do its job well (sometimes routing your important emails to your junk folder).
These emails are actually sent from, most commonly, and most surprisingly, from the victims themselves. In a sense, it means that the point of origin is usually temporal, and the hacker creates a worm that contains the commercial messages and of course a backdoor. The worm is sent to an unsuspecting victim, usually within a low security network and then the worm does its magic. It infiltrates the system and gathers the information it needs, which is usually the email lists, instant messenger lists - any sort of information that can be used to reproduce the circular system. Once the worm gets the information it needs, it replicates itself as a small file or unassuming programme and sends itself through the email lists. The process is repeated again and again - and the entire network then becomes a zombie network where these commercial messages get reproduced and sent out by computers plugged into the network.
These networks can contain as little as a few hundred to even a million (or more computers) so you can see the enormity of the problem. This means that the probability of junk mail getting to your inbox multiplies every day. This means that the chances of you getting your time wasted is exponentially increased as the days go by. This means only one thing, you need to get a spam blocker to stop junk email wasting your time. Once you realise that it is an integral part of your daily digital communication practices, then and only then can you safely traverse the landscape of emails. A spam blocker is the bane of junk mail and it should be in every computer that is plugged into the internet. There are many good ones online, so all you have to do is search, click and download.
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