When you need to purchase a used car there are ways to prepare yourself for shopping that may help you get a great price. For example, you should always research the type of vehicle you are looking to buy before you visit the dealer and learn the blue book price. It would also be wise to get questions ready about the car before you go into the dealership. And, sake sure you keep the salesman on the topic of the vehicle when you ask all your questions so that you get all the answers you are looking for.
Shopping for a used car can be tricky though because you never really know what it's been through with the previous owners. This is why you need to check out the history of the vehicle to see if it's been in any accidents. Unfortunately, a vehicle will slip through the cracks sometimes and you may get one that isn't quite what you thought it was.
If you know the blue book value of the car before showing up on the car lot, the salesman will not be able to give you a higher price. This is a tactic that some used car salesmen use to ensure they get more commission from the sale. With this information you may well get a great price, in fact you will be able to control the cost of the car a lot better knowing what the blue book value is. Remember you will have to subtract for mileage and condition, but you can add value for security systems and breaking systems.
Even if you can control the price a little with the information that you've gathered, you still want to have a mechanic to look under the hood and the overall condition of the car. This will help protect you from buying a lemon if something has slipped by on the accident history. If your vehicle seems to be in great shape after the mechanic has checked it out, you're probably good to go.
Another thing you need to be wary of is being easily swayed by the used car salesman who tries to talk you into expensive add-ons. Most of the time, these are useless things that you don't really need anyway, and it will only add to the overall cost of your used car. Make sure that you stick firm to the price that you want to pay and, if the salesman won't play ball, don't be afraid to walk away. All you have to remember is that there are other dealers out there that will work with you in your search of a used car.
Tips For Used Car Buying
When you're interested in finding a new car, you might not want to head directly to a car dealership for your shopping. While it might seem that buying new is the best way to go, sometimes finding something that's used is the best investment. As soon as you drive a new car off the lot, it's already depreciating. It may be better to find a sturdy car that's less expensive and still reliable to get you to where you need to go. The used car classifieds can help you find a great car without the high price.
Before you start looking at used car classifieds, you will want to determine a few makes and models that interest you. While this seems like it might narrow your selection, it will help you find exactly what you're looking for and will help to create a more efficient way of looking at the ads that are available for you to browse. Take your time to read through car reviews to find cars that suit your purpose as well as the year they were built. Some years were better than others for certain carmakers, so you need to spend time researching the type of car you are interested in owning.
Take some time to write down the things that you're looking for in this car like air conditioning, low mileage, fuel efficiency, warranties, etc. Try to figure out what features are most important to you so that you can make these a priority as you look through the used car classifieds.
Next, you will want to get out the ads from your local cities as well as go online to find national listings. You'll want to see what's available as well as the prices that you can find. Try to look at these classifieds for a few months before you actually buy so that you can see what kinds of prices there are and in which direction they might be heading. The trends in prices tend to vary with seasons, so waiting just a few weeks can mean all the difference between a deal and a higher price.
In these used car classifieds, you will want to look at the details that are included, besides that car make and model. You want to see what features the car has as well as the mileage that is listed. Circle the advertisements that most interest you and try to talk to the owner or the seller about looking at the actual car. If you have trouble contacting the seller, you may want to move onto another car as they might become difficult to work with in the process. Remember, you are the customer and they need to communicate well with you. If you ever have a feeling that they aren't being honest with you, step away from the deal.
Once you've made an appointment to see a car, go and see it with a knowledgeable friend or local mechanic. You want to make sure that the used car classifieds find is something that is perfect for your needs. The mechanic can also look to see if there are any repairs that need to be done immediately and then you can negotiate the price further with the seller. Too often, a customer will just go and see the car, drive it around the block and then make their decision. A car is an investment that you need to take more seriously than that. If you don't know any mechanics, set up a meeting with a mechanic during the time of your appointment to see the car.
When you are driving the car, you'll want to take it on the highway as well as on local roads. This will give you an idea of how the car moves under more strenuous conditions. You will also want to take it in heavier traffic areas to see how it handles being in idle and other driving conditions. Check the turn signals, the brakes, the radio, etc. Make notes of anything that you might want to have fixed. Used car classifieds are geared toward selling the car's best features, but you need to make sure everything is in working order.
Both Art Gib & Andy West are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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Andy West has sinced written about articles on various topics from Hypnotherapy, College Education and Bail Bonds. Andy West is a freelance writer for CountyLoop. CountyLoop.com makes it easy to use online Business Directories and used car classifieds. For more information, please vi. Andy West's top article generates over 1830000 views. Bookmark Andy West to your Favourites.