Where could I look to find the first subject of my experiment but on the Internet. There seemed to be a lack (or shall I say none) psychic reading hotlines in my local newspaper. However there was plenty to choose from on the Internet. A search for 'Psychic Reading Hotlines' produced many results in Google, but I came to the realisation that being in the UK it was best to try the psychics in England.
Some interesting results were returned. Although most web sites listed were for psychic readings, some websites were spoofs and just a few about sceptical people submitting their personal views for all to see. I read a few of the sceptic comments and about their supposed experiences with psychics and found most of them to be a rant about the legitimacy of psychics.
So let's try for myself. I rang the first line I could find. I was greeted by a smooth female voice, its funny; the majority of psychics on the hotlines were female. Are they more in-tune with their psychic sense? As I expected I had to shuffle through ha few questions and a disclaimer about the cost of the call. The lady proceeded to ask me a few personal questions, although I didn't like the idea of giving out personal info, I realised that it was necessary in order to get a personalised reading, just like how your horoscope is based on your date of birth.
I'm not sure if this lady was trying to predict my future or telling me what was going on in my life. She seemed to be somewhat accurate although I was crossing my mind if most of what she said could be circumstantial?
'I see you have had a hard time' she said! She went on to tell me that things will be getting better but I should watch out for my health'! Could this not apply to everyone? OK! Fair enough, lets test the next psychic hotline.
I rang another 'psychic line', this one promised a free reading. I called to be greeted by an automates system that put me through to a male psychic. He had a much more dominating approach, I don't know if he was just like that or having a bad psychic day. As the psychic reading continued he continued to ask me the same questions as the last psychic. While going through this process I was left wondering if I was getting a free psychic reading or not as I had called a premium rate hotline. When I questioned the psychic about this he claimed that I was getting a free reading and that I was paying a lower cost per minute that the other hotlines, and the low fee was just to cover admin costs. Hmmmmm! I hung up!
I proceeded to call a few more psychic hotlines and actually had some good experiences although I was paying more. I didn't use any credit card services as I was unsure about giving my credit details out in the first place. Many of the psychics seemed to know what was going on in my life. Many psychics offered suggestions on how to deal with my situation and what I should look out for. At this point I am wondering how much I am like the rest of the population and if there is a good CHANCE.... That a psychic can guess my current demeanour (having called them in the first place).
So here is the final test, I will call a psychic and be a bit more specific about what I am looking for.
I called the psychics at Psychic Reading Hotline .com
. The website looked a bit different that the other websites I had visited. It seemed more business like but was selling much less services that the other websites and focused on Psychic Reading Hotlines more than anything else. There were also some great articles about psychics that made some interesting reading. Some of the articles got me thinking about what I was expecting from the psychics and what they really do. Taking this new information on board, I gave the hotline a call,
The psychic answered immediately, gave the usual disclaimer and proceeded to ask me questions about myself. This time I was little more coy about the information I gave about myself but was more direct about a particular subject in my life, e.g. business.
The psychic knew exactly how I felt and had a good grasp of the problems, yet most importantly the successes I have experienced. Now this is a strange one! I had recently got some business advice from a professional who advised me on what steps I should take. Now the psychic mentioned a few things that matched what the business advisor had told me to do. I asked the psychic if he had any business experience to which he laughed and replied 'I just help people!' (indecently, I paid the businessman more for the same advice).
I was intrigued, lets put a twist in this. I gave the psychic a little white lie about making a decision that I had not really. The psychic saw straight through the lie. NOTE: when you give your initial info to the psychic, give the right info, its well worth it!
OK, I was hooked!, I had to shake things off before I totally bowed to the prowess of the psychic on the hotline. I wanted to meet this person! More info, more info. I had to slap myself on the face and pay attention with my original goal in mind. I continued my reading which eventually became a discussion as I was asking all the questions. I was impressed!
I probed the psychic for help & information about my girlfriend who I want to marry. Now here's me thinking I am a unique person so feel that nobody can guess anything about me. Yet the psychic was bang on right when he described my reservations about getting married, but more importantly talked about how to deal with it.
BANG! THAT'S IT! It dawned on me what psychics are about and just how useful psychic hotlines really are.
LOOK AT IT THIS WAY! If you want somebody to tell you the future, then maybe GOD is still the best person to try and get an answer from. If you want to understand your life, look at it from another perspective, get advice, and learn what could happen if you don't take action, then a Psychic is for you!.
A psychic can help you see & understand what is happening in your life, they can advise and discuss things on subjects that you have nobody else to talk to about. In essence a guardian angel, a person who helps you see your path and how to take the right path in times of distress. The psychics at Psychic Reading Hotline were great and I was very pleased with the result. Don't get me wrong, I now know that the psychics from the other lines were good, its only when I was talking to the psychics at Psychic Reading Hotline that it dawned on me how valuable the information was I got from the psychics.
In Conclusion, a psychic is there to help, they have extraordinary gifts to see what us normal people cannot see, or could see if we could drop the constraints if seeing the truth out there. Psychics are not there to solve all your problems, but merely a guide which otherwise you would not have!
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