This psychic who inspired the television show, Medium, is Allison DuBois. Allison was born in 1972 in Phoenix, Arizona. Allison knew, from childhood, that she was different from the other kids. She had one of her first life-after-death encounters with her great-grandfather after his funeral. Allison refrained from sharing her psychic experiences with adults.
At about the age of 10, Allison was told by beings she has since identified as her guides that she really was special and that she would have an important impact on people when she was older.
Her guides continued to communicate with her during her teens, and while she wasn’t sure who was speaking to her, she knew that the source was good and she wasn’t afraid. Allison always felt connected to a Higher Power, but traditional church services made no sense to her. It seems as though the adults at church ‘sang about one thing and then practiced another.'
Allison spent her childhood trying to convince herself that she was ‘normal.’ She was a competitive roller-skater in the 1980s, and she enjoyed competing in figures, dance, and freestyle skating. She says she really enjoyed beating the boys in mixed competitions!
When her parents divorced, and her mother remarried, Allison found herself living on her own just one month shy of her 16th birthday. She says she was a lonely teenager and that these years were painful for her. It was then she realized that there were dark forces at work in the world, but with practice, one can learn to avoid them. Allison graduated from Corona del Sol high school in Tempe in 1990.
When she met her husband Joe, he said that it seemed like she had a light shining on her. She credits him with teaching her how to trust and says he has made her a better person. He encouraged her to follow her dream of going to college.
While she was in college at Arizona State University Allison worked as an intern in the office of the district attorney. It was then that she first realized the purpose of her psychic gifts. Allison found that she could visualize crimes just by handling evidence. Her visions have helped in solving crimes and finding missing people. She is known as a “research" medium. She uses her psychic abilities to aid law enforcement agencies nationwide. She has worked with the Texas Rangers and the police department in Glendale, Arizona. She also acts as a jury consultant. She has been instrumental in putting killers on death row. In addition to her law enforcement work, Allison puts her supernatural talents to work in helping individuals to connect with the loved ones they have lost.
Allison says that the television show Medium portrays events from her real-life experiences. She is very interested in helping young people with psychic abilities to understand those abilities and welcome them. She also wants everyone to have a better understanding of mediums and psychics and the potential they have.
Allison is also a best-selling author. Her first book Don’t Kiss Them Goodbye, describes her encounters with individuals who have passed over and her experiences as a profiler for law enforcement agencies. She talks about what it is like to have psychic abilities and how she struggles to live as normal a life as possible as a wife and mother. In her second book, We Are Their Heaven, she writes about the communications she has received from the spirits during her years as a medium. These experiences have led her to believe that the living are special to those who have died. They choose to remain with the living “not because they’re bound, but because we are their happiness, we are their heaven."
(c) 2007, Davis Virtual Assistance. Reprint rights granted so long as no changes are made to the article and by-line and all links are made live.
The First Television Show
Celebrities are the most accessible, oddly enough, when they're at work. If you're a Jon Stewart fan and you show up at his favorite deli while he's eating, chances are you're probably going to disturb him. But if you get tickets to a taping of "The Daily Show" which he hosts in New York City, your chance of shaking his hand and getting him to sign something is much better.
The stars who work in live television depend on the audience to help them do their job. For sitcoms, the audience provides the laugh track. If the audience doesn't laugh at a joke, the writers will scramble to modify it or come up with a new one. So when you watch a television sitcom like "Friends," you're hearing the actual audience laugh that was at the taping that day and know that they had some input into the final version as well. For late night shows like Stewart's, the host needs you to laugh at his jokes or he'll be left high and dry on national TV. And on talk shows like "Ellen" and "Oprah," the host and producers need to be able to feel out the audience so they know what's working or not working.
Most TV shows that have a live audience also have a "warm-up guy" whose job is to tell a few jokes, lay out the ground rules, maybe do some audience participation and get everyone in the studio totally warmed up for the show. If there's a delay or a break in shooting, this guy has to keep things going so the audience doesn't get bored and leave. He's also your best bet to get to the on-screen talent and sometimes will even bring a star up to the audience section.
Some stars will hang around after and talk to the audience one on one. Some won't, but the warm-up guy will talk to anyone, and if you can make him feel important, he can quite often help you get to the people you really want to get to.
Don't ask the producer if you can go backstage--he'll say no. Don't ask an intern if he can get something signed--he'll say no. But that warm-up guy is usually working so hard (and is maybe even a little annoyed that he's not the star of the show) that you can sometimes get him to do you a favor if you play your cards right.
TV show taping tickets do not cost money, except for special circumstances like concerts, awards shows and sporting events. Sitcom tapings and game shows are free of charge. Often the audience will be much small than you expected ("The Daily Show" seats maybe 100 people) while half the audience noise in a "Wheel of Fortune" taping is from the crew itself.
The peak television production season is generally August through March for most of the major networks. These include ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, UPN, WB, TNN, Disney Channel and Nickelodeon. Situation comedies, reality specials and game shows are the ones most likely to require a live audience since dramas don't require audience interaction.
Remember that a TV show taping is not a quick prospect. You're not there for just the half hour you see during the final product. You've got to be there early, you've got to sit around while things are getting set up, you've got to go through the "warm up" then the cast will likely do one rehearsal from start to finish. Then they'll film several takes for each scene so the editors have plenty of options. This can take a long time (often up to eight hours) and they're not going to serve lunch or dinner partway through (although of course the actors can eat all they want from the catering table backstage and often come out on stage eating to rub in the fact that they're eating and you can't). But it's still fun. Just make sure to eat before you go in, make sure to use the restroom before you take your seat, and turn off your cell phone!
Often the funniest part of a live TV taping isn't the acting itself, it's what goes on behind the scenes. If an actor is making a joke, the actors off camera will often react to what he or she is saying in an unexpected way. People will crack up, others will adlib, shots will get messed up and have to be repeated. It's an interesting look at what goes on behind the scenes of television, even if you don't get to meet the star of the show.
To get a ticket, see the resources below. You normally have to make reservations for popular shows months in advance because they fill up quickly. If all else fails, you can sometimes find studio workers handing out tickets in front of Grauman's Chinese Theater at 6925 Hollywood Boulevard (where the famous handprints are) and in front of the Hollywood & Highland shopping complex next door.
Once you have your ticket, the rules are simple--applaud when you're told to, laugh when you think something is funny, don't yell out at random times, don't curse, don't disrupt other people around you, stay seated until the end of the show (toilet breaks come before the show, not during) and don't take photographs.
Remember, if a scene has to be redone, you're going to have to laugh all over again. Know going in that this isn't so much about your entertainment as it is your assistance in putting together a good show. If you get bored easily by repetition or having to sit for a long period of time, attending a live TV taping probably isn't for you. On the other hand, if you enjoy watching how television shows are created and don't mind following the rules, you'll have a lot of fun, learn a lot, and maybe even get to meet (or at least watch for a long time) your favorite star!
Both Bonnie Davis & Jordan Mcauley are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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