You are able at this point to make the most of one of the most important and abundant natural resources of our planet – Water. The majority of our body is comprised of about 70% water and our brain is composed of about 80% water. A large portion of our body's functions are regulated by water, the pH balance, the waste removal system, the body's temperature are all affected heavily by our water intake, both the amount and the quality.
You can drink normal tap water, but then you will be losing out on almost all its benefits and you will also be receiving many things that you would not get in ionized water, unfortunately none of those things are beneficial to your health, in fact they can endanger your health. Water ionizers are different to water filters because the water you get from an ionizer has undergone an improving scientific alteration, while a filter merely filters out harmful elements from your tap water.
Water undergoes a scientific process to become alkalized, micro-clustered and ionized. This process occurs within the actual ionizers. This is a unit that is attached to your kitchen water supply and will dispense ionized water at the touch of a button. The unit is easy to attach and the benefits it will provide you with are immeasurable. The water enters the water ionizer chamber and undergoes the process of electrolysis or ionization. This process causes approximately 70% of the water flowing into the ionizer to become OH- , which is alkaline water. The other approximately 30% of the water is converted to OH+ , which is acidic water. The acidic water can be collected and utilized around the house and used on plants, while the alkaline water is for drinking and cooking.
Alkaline water, produced by the water ionizer, helps to enhance the taste of food cooked in it and it enhances all the natural benefits of drinking water. Ionization also changes the molecular structure of water, leaving it with just 6 or 7 molecules per cluster as opposed to the average 12 or 13. This allows our body to become hydrated more quickly. This faster hydration helps to regulate our temperature. The alkalinity of the water can help to move our body's pH level closer to the level that it should be.
The additional hydration of water from water ionizers can also help the digestion system to digest our food better and help our waste removal system to function better by helping the organs to function more efficiently. This allows the body to get rid of more toxins in our body, which can leave us healthier and can help us to lose weight as the high intake of ionized water has been linked to the gradual decrease in fatty deposits in the body.
A water ionizer is a good investment to make because it can eliminate the contaminants from the water flowing into your house, while also ensuring all the valuable minerals are still passed through to you. The unit is small and easy to use and the investment you make in will be repaid many times over in the benefits you receive by drinking this improved water.
The Benefits Of Water
Water is the main element in our body without which we will not be able to survive. The doctor recommends eight glasses of water a day or no less then 64 fl oz. Our blood contains 83% water, our brain 74%, our liver 90% and our muscles approximately 75%, which makes water a priority in our everyday diet. However, the bad part is that the water we get at our taps is not as clean is we think it is and often carries bacteria and diseases that can get us seriously ill therefore installing water filters is a necessity.
Here's what Wikipedia has to say about the topic:
"A water filter is a device which removes impurities from water by means of a fine physical barrier, chemical processes and/or biological process. Filters are used to cleanse water for irrigation, drinking water, aquariums, and swimming pools.
Water filters are primarily used to soften water and remove chemicals such as chlorine. Some scientists believe that the contaminants found in drinking unfiltered drinking water can be harmful to your health, even increasing the risk of developing cancer. The most common problem with unfiltered water, however, is a bad taste or smell."
To learn more about the topic "water filter," see a list of research ideas at the end of the article. In the meantime, this article should provide you with a nice summary.
Helpful Tip
Help yourself, your family and the environment by filtering the water you use from drinking and cleaning; even your appliances will last longer especially the washing machine, dish washer and coffee maker when you use water that is free of bacteria and other harsh substances.
Clean Water Every Day
The main benefit of water filters is that you will be able to drink clean water when you choose without going through long procedures to obtain it such as, boiling or purchasing it in bottles. There are many types of water filters for almost every use in the house from tap replacement water filters, to the shower caps and refrigerators; they all are extremely beneficial and provide a cleaner, healthier way of life for you and your family.
Water Filters For A Better Skin
While the first thing that comes to mind when we think about water is using it for drinking purposes, water is used for cleaning ourselves as well and it can be very damaging to the skin when polluted by causing dry, cracked and itching sensation of the skin. You can find water filters for your shower as well and ensure that your skin receives clean water from the outside as well as from the inside; you will also observe a great change in your hair as you eliminate the harshness of the water and the bacteria found in it.
Inexpensive And Efficient
If you don't want to spend a great deal of money by installing water filters for the entire house, you can get the replacement water filters that can be placed on any tap you want when you need it; in fact they are best left on kitchen taps where you need drinking and cooking water all the time but remember to turn it off when washing dishes or when in use for other purposes other then drinking.
For more information on the topic, here are some helpful suggestions:
1) The local university - there are professors and libraries on every topic under the sun
2) Search Engines - You can try searching under a similar term for more results
3) Specialty Stores - well-trained employees can be very helpful
Both Lyle Robertson & Scott Fromherz are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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