Most wives complain about their spouses? snoring. It sometimes comes to the point that they go separate rooms just for the sake of peace. Some wives are relieved when there are long pauses between the loud snoring. Instead of being relieved, wives must be concerned. Their partners may have sleep apnea. Remedies must be immediately applied to prevent serious consequences.
Check out immediately if your husband has other symptoms like personality changes, headaches in the morning, perspiring during sleep, and even sexual problems. If he also gained much weight recently, be concerned. These symptoms are but not always associated with sleep apnea.
Get Medical Attention ASAP
In monitoring your husband sleeping pattern, time the gaps in-between the snoring and record your observations. This will be a useful reference when you take your husband for a medical consultation. In the meantime, you can look up sleep apnea remedies online, but still it is best to see a doctor as soon as possible.
The doctor will conduct further tests to determine the underlying causes of your husband's sleeping disorder. It could be that he also has high blood pressure and heartburn. If the disorder goes unchecked, your partner will be susceptible to heart attacks or strokes. The doctor will recommend sleep apnea remedies, which will eliminate the problem.
Your doctor will explain that your husband has obstructive sleep apnea. His condition will increase levels of the NO or gas nitric acid, which will in turn prompt the blood vessels to expand. The increased amounts of angiotensin will also contribute to fatal heart diseases or heart attack.
To diagnose if he has sleep apnea the doctor will check your husband's soft palate, tonsils and upper airways. He will also asses the upper body obesity and measure his neck. He will also ask if your husband suffer episodes of heartburn, and inquire about his sleeping position. He will also interview you about your husband's snoring and his gasping for breath.
Sleep Apnea Remedies
Sleep apnea remedies range from the simple to complex. If your husband sleeps mostly on his back, let him sleep on his side. This will prevent the blockage of the airways.
Encourage your husband to refrain from smoking and imbibing alcohol. If he has allergies, remove all the allergens in the house. It could be dust or pet hair. Vacuum the house regularly, and let your pet stay outside. Have filtration units installed in the rooms.
Another of the tested sleep apnea remedies is helping your husband lose weight. Give him more vegetables and fruits. Be strict about this, and don't give him those second helpings.
If these won't work, the doctor will advice the use of the CPAP or the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure device. This may not be the miracle cure but this oral device will give your husband better sleep. He will get continuous amount of air from the device, and this will deter the collapse of the throat muscles during sleep.
If the condition of your husband is severe, the doctor may prescribe the use of a Bi-level or Bi-PAP machine. Unlike the CPAP, this device will release two different air pressures. Increased air pressure is released when your husband inhales and decreases when he exhales. If the oral device causes a lot of discomfort, your husband can opt for surgery.
If your husband is snoring loudly and bothering your sleep, better be concerned than angry. Discuss the problem with him and assess the different sleep apnea remedies that you can apply.
Sleep Apnea Natural Remedies
Believe it or not, sleep apnea and children are related. In fact, sleep apnea and everyone are related! The sleeping disorder is one of the few afflictions that know no age, race or gender. Equally affecting all, sleep apnea can kill you if left untreated. Sound extreme? I thought so, too, until I did a little research. It turns out, sleep apnea increases pulmonary pressures on the right side of the heart. This has the potential to cause a severe form of congestive heart failure. Who knew that sleeping could cause a heart attack? Certainly not me, until last week.
Sleep apnea and children were particularly saddening to learn about. To think that small children are having trouble breathing at night breaks my heart. Literally, those who have sleep apnea go without breathing for ten seconds or more in between snores. Usually, they end up audibly gasping for breath. After just one night of sleeping this way, the kids experience a blood oxygen desaturation of at least three or four percent. While this may not sound like much, it really makes a difference in one's overall health. When you take a look at some of the symptoms and side effects of sleep apnea, they're staggering.
Looking at all of the different ways that the sleeping disorder can affect the young, it's easy to see that sleep apnea and children really don't mix. After awhile, people who have it can begin to suffer from depression, anxiety attacks, paralyzing headaches and forgetfulness. Additionally, many young children who have sleep apnea are also diagnosed with failure to thrive. This is a direct result of food being tasteless and even uncomfortable to eat. Also, their physical stature can be effected. In many cases, children with sleep apnea grow up to have short and heavy necks.
Both Alexes Lebeau & John Spencer are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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