Anyone who snores regularly should check with their doctor to find out if it is a symptom of sleep apnea. Apnea is treatable, but if it's left unchecked it can cause serious health problems.
If you think you might be suffering from sleep apnea, there are several questions you should ask. Do you snore regularly? If so, you are more likely dealing with sleep apnea than if you only snore occasionally.
Does your snoring wake your partner at night? If so, it's a sign that the snoring is quite loud which again can be a symptom of sleep apnea.
Do you wake up choking and gasping for air in the middle of the night? This is one of the main indicators of sleep apnea, because apnea is caused by a blockage of airflow to the extent that you stop breathing for a period of 10 seconds or longer. You may not realize this is happening yourself, either - it is often noticed first by your partner.
Do you wake up in the morning with a headache or sore throat? This is another symptom of sleep apnea - headaches can be caused by a lack of oxygen due to the stoppages in breathing in the night and a sore throat is often caused by serious snoring.
If these symptoms sound familiar, you should check with your doctor to get their professional advice. If they determine that sleep apnea is in fact a possibility, they will usually send you for a polysomnography test.
This is an overnight sleep study where your sleep patterns are monitored so a complete diagnosis can be made. Things such as your heart rate, eye movements and breathing patterns will be monitored for irregularities.
Sleep apnea can lead to more serious problems such as an increased risk of heart disease and stroke, so it's important that it is diagnosed as early as possible.
Sleep Apnea High Blood Pressure
One tip doctors give patients is to raise the head of the bed to help prevent the tongue from falling back and blocking the airway. An adjustable bed helps sleep apnea sufferers get quality sleep by readjusting the airway naturally.
In obstructive sleep apnea, the airway collapses and/or gets blocked by the tongue. Lying flat promotes the collapse in sleep apnea sufferers. The tissues gets pulled to the lowest point by gravity. This narrows the airway or completely cuts off airflow through the passages. The apnea patient's body then must arouse itself to reestablish breathing. Raising the head of the bed allows gravity to work in a positive manner and will help keep the tongue and airway in an open position.
Overweight people tend to have more issues sleeping due to painful pressure points and airway compromise. The tissues in and around the neck gain weight just like the rest of the body. This weight gain makes the airway smaller and harder to breathe through. An adjustable bed can relieve areas of tenderness and increase the airway size by adjusting to a position that is comfortable for the user. The beds are sturdy and most are rated to adjust a weight of up to 650 lbs. Some studies claim that using adjustable beds for sleep apnea have shown positive results.
Adjustable beds are perfect for people who need to keep the head higher than the feet. These beds are automatic, no more hand cranking, and they can also be bought as split units. These units allow both sides of the bed to be adjusted differently. This keeps both people in a relationship happy. They can also be purchased with memory foam mattresses which will increase the comfort level of the user(s).
Most of these beds now take up less room with a wall hugging frame. They are a lighter weight so average people can move the bed if needed. Most of them come in sizes ranging from twin to king. Prices have come down tremendously and are now affordable. Insurance companies sometimes cover the cost of an adjustable bed when sleep apnea is a diagnosis and a doctors prescribes it.
An adjustable bed can be a lifesaver for sleep apnea sufferers. They come in many sizes and are available with several options from massage and heat to split frame and memory foam mattresses. These beds raise the head and increase airway passages by utilizing gravity in a positive manner.
Some insurance companies may cover the cost of adjustable beds for sleep apnea sufferers if a doctor clearly states the need. Check with your doctor to see if he or she believes an adjustable bed will help, and ask your insurance company if they cover the cost partially or in full.
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