Broadband Internet service has become a "must have" for those already enjoying the high speed Internet provided by cable broadband, DSL, or T1 services. Still, many dial up Internet users are reluctant to make the switch to broadband due to the increased cost in Internet access, and fail to recognize broadband's money saving potential.
Broadband DSL connection speeds vary, but the average DSL connection rate ranges on average between 128 kilobits per second all the way up to 1.54 megabits per second. Typical dial-up modems can't even come close to reaching typical broadband DSL speeds.
The remarkable speed of broadband DSL has made internet use more convenient, and DSL has improved the quality of many existing online activities such as shopping, banking, downloading audio and video, and gaming. Besides a notable increase in connection speed and website navigation, with broadband DSL, internet users are always connected to the world wide web. DSL provides valuable information and online activities that remain just a few keystrokes away.
Broadband Internet rates have reduced dramatically within the course of the last five years. High speed Internet can now be purchased for as little as fourteen dollars a month in some places, and usually has a top end comfort level of around fifty dollars or less per month. This means broadband can sometimes be even cheaper than dial up ISP.
Broadband Internet is probably one of the few services that end with the customer never having buyers remorse. Broadband is just one of those things that people find many useful and even practical applications for. An entire book could be, and probably has been written about the usefulness of broadband Internet access.
Symmetric varieties of broadband DSL, SDSL, are IDSL and HDSL. These broadband DSL variants are suitable for most business applications. Upstream and downstream transfer rates are the same, making SDSL technology suitable for server hosting, video conferencing, LAN applications, file transfers, and email.
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