Large companies sometimes seem to have all the advantages. They have more people doing the work, they quite often have higher pay scales, and even worse to the small business owner, they have larger advertising budgets. So how does a small business compete without taking out a second mortgage and selling off the family heirlooms? Believe it or not sales banners is an area that you can compete.
How can sale banners make a difference?
The last time you went to the mall did you walk around the major department stores? Did you see the signs that hung from the ceiling above the displays, to attract your attention to sales or brand names? Chances are that you never realized those were sales banners. Many people think of a banner as the tattered sign that hung from the fence at little league. Banners have come a long way in the last few years.
The banners of yesterday are not what we make today. Technology allows us to digitally print color banners that are so detailed and clear you can print photos that look alive! There are also choices in the material that is used that can make a difference in the look of your printed banner. A sales banner does not need the heavy duty vinyl that is recommended for a banner that will be hung outdoors. This gives you a wider variety of choices and textures, to enhance the banner. Banners are economical. At we give you a discount for multiple banners as soon as you purchase more than one! That makes a sales banner well within the reach of the small business.
How can I display my sale banners in the same style as the big businesses without breaking the bank?
Major department stores often use a technique for hanging their sales banners in their stores that have a great impact on both the company's appearance and their sales. They have purchased banner rails to display the color banners. Banner rails are designed to be hung from the grids in a drop ceiling. The printed banner is made with a pole pocket and is placed on the banner rail. Gravity keeps the banner hanging straight and looking professional. The graphics or message can be seen on either side of the banner, giving you twice the bang for your buck.
It isn't only major department stores that can have this very professional type of display for their color banners! The cost of the hanging banner rail does vary with the style that you choose, but this is a one time purchase that can be used for many years to come. A business could purchase a selection of banners and change them out seasonally, monthly, weekly, whatever works for them. And more good news, the banners can be reused as well. The life span will depend on the environment and the material chosen. However, indoors the life span of printed banners is much longer than an outdoor banner.
Sales banners are one way that the small business can compete every day with the "big boys", and the best part is you can keep the family heirlooms and the house!
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