Laptops are also frequently dropped and damaged, lost or stolen from cars, airports, offices and homes. WIFI (wireless network) connections also expose your data to viruses to hackers.
Laptop Data Loss Widespread, Costly Statistics supporting the vulnerability of laptops are alarming:
$6.7 laptop theft losses for U.S. in 2004
$61,881...the average loss due to laptop theft
600,000...PCs stolen in 2003
No. 2...cause of overall PC loss is theft
59%...of computer attacks during 2003 were attributed to laptop theft. 4
Coupled with the extreme vulnerability of laptops is the disturbing fact that most users don't store their data on a centralized server, and rarely if ever back up their hard drive.
Don't regularly connect to a corporate network or server;
Don't travel with a backup device such as an external or tape drive, and even if they do, they are subject to the same type of risks (loss, theft, damage, corruption, etc).
Are often sales people who don't have the time or expertise for complex solutions. Remote Data Backups: the best Laptop Backup Solution Automatic + Flexible Scheduling = Regular Backups Three Skysoft Remote Data Backups scheduling features are especially useful for getting mobile notebook users, who may not fit the 9-to-5, always-at-the-office mode, to perform regular backups. To change these options in the program, select Options, then Backup Schedule:
1."Backup on connection to network" "...if not backed up for X hours"
2."Prompt for backup each time Windows Exits"
3."Run a backup, then exit Windows"
Easy to Use, Full Featured Laptop Backup Software
Our advanced backup software features are designed to help mobile users work more efficiently.
Automatic Backups & Easy File Restore: It's easy for non-technical personnel to run backups and quickly retrieve files.
Remote Web Access: Securely download backed up files from any Internet connection;
Extended Archiving: Prevents employees deleting important files;
Account Sharing: Share files between accounts. Restrict access by password protecting specific files and folders.
Superior Data Security: Even if you are using a wireless (WIFI) network connection, rest assured your data is still completely safe from hackers, as it is transmitted in ultra-secure 128-bit AES encrypted format through a Secure Socket Layer (SSL).