There are probably more than one hundred principles of direct marketing, ferreted down from marketing gurus and internet marketing experts all over the world. Different sorts of experiences lead to different conclusions, and inevitably, different advice. This article is designed to tell you there is a difference between advice and principle, whereas advice may be applied to isolated incidents and regions, the latter can be transposed into almost any situation of direct marketing. I have siphoned away 3, not because they are the best, but because they can be universally applied – so wait no longer, read on land earn direct marketing principles that work.
I will start in reverse order of importance. The first (or the last one for those that have been paying attention), is the copy. Be it fax, mail, internet or offline marketing, what you write is essentially the difference that either helps you close a deal or remain wondering what happened. Compelling copy can be considered to be the life blood of your direct marketing efforts. If you are not talking to them on the phone or shaking their hand in real life, what they read from you must be good enough to influence a purchasing decision. Remember, you are already at a disadvantage – you can't see their reactions or hear their worries first hand. A mailer or brochure can't talk back so you have to seal the deal the minute they read the first few lines.
The copy must be simple - you may be marketing to the lowest common denominator, so Shakespearean prose has no place in sales copy. It must be from the heart and sincere, use real life experiences and testimonials to breathe life to the product. The copy must keep a single question in mind – the ‘what's in it for the consumer?' The offer must be IRRESISTABLE, so concentrate on how you word your offer, write and rewrite and read it to yourself, over and over again until it's just right.
Secondly, whatever you do, ensure that what you put out there must have what marketers call ‘an action device'. This can be a reply cut-out, an order form or even a point of contact. Make it easy for them to initiate a response, don't leave them to guess where and who. Look at sales copy for websites, there is always almost a link somewhere at the end of the website. Point them in the right direction – closer and closer to buying the product.
This is the last and most important point. You may have the best, most sellable copy in the world. You could be selling a fantastic product. Your carrier could be striking, a design fit for the Louvre. But sent to the wrong market, all this would be pointless. The contacts that you have built up or have acquired must be highly detailed and highly targeted. This means that each and every name will be much more likely to consider the product – ‘needs identification' can only occur through a high quality list. It is of crucial importance to match the product to the prospect, eliminating as much doubt as possible from the purchasing decision.
So now that you have learn direct marketing principles that work, you can apply it to any situation, for any product and for any market you wish to enter!
Mail Preference Service Direct Marketing
It's tough for any business to do without direct mailing these days. You might mail prospective customers using the Internet or maybe you prefer to rely on the postal system. Maybe you use a combination of both. Whatever your preference, the writing on the wall for any business is clear: you need direct mail. Used effectively, this is your trigger to sales.
How do you go about it? You need lists. Maybe you already have one. Use it as a first phase to tell your customers about what you have for them that's new. If you don't have anything new, set about correcting that. Whatever it is - a promotion, free offer, discount, - use direct mail to make sure your customer knows about it. Your product, your company name, must be top of mind for him. This will only happen with reminders.
Are emails effective for direct mail? Not always. Thanks to the huge amount of spam mail pouring into people's email boxes every day, chances are your promotion email might also get relegated into the junk folder. Yes, it's a cheap method of mailing but is it effective? The problem is, you never know for sure. It could get deleted without reading or it could get read right through.
Mailing works better. Once you have a customer's postal address, you can cross-check to see if there is a spurt in sales soon after you mailed to that particular area. Or you could work the other way around. If you find that one area has more people buying, send more mail there with offers and special schemes. You cannot do this with just an email address.
If you do have a response form that has to be sent or given back, don't tire the customer out, or worse still bore him with long forms to fill out. Just his name, address, phone number and email address should do. Information gathering should be quick, easy and pleasant, not seen as a chore. You can always fill in another form if you need more information. Here, too, do it bit by bit so it does not seem like some kind of cross-questioning which puts most people off. It sometimes even intimidates them. Don't ever ask for anything too personal.
Like we said, inform your customers about new promotions or offers or products through direct mail. Don't waste his time if there is nothing to say. It might just rebound on you if you waste his time on what he considers unimportant and uninteresting.
If you are doing a cold mailing exercise to companies, do remember to put a name on it - not something impersonal as 'Supervisor' or 'Manager'. Find out from the web or from a directory what the relevant person's name is and address the mail accordingly. If you have huge mailings, a business directory could be just the thing you need. Get one that has all the companies you deal with listed. Having it all in one place is time-saving even though business directories can cost a bit. This would probably take you ages if you were to compile it from the Internet. Unless of course you get lucky and an online directory that suits your line of business happens to be listed!
Both Chris Burns & Tom Sample are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Chris Burns has sinced written about articles on various topics from Business Credit Cards, Direct Marketing and Business Loans. Chris Burns is an authority on mailing list services providing valuable advice at where you can learn more about. Chris Burns's top article generates over 12100 views. Bookmark Chris Burns to your Favourites.
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