A driving license is the first document that is considered vital for any prospective driver anywhere in the world. The Driving schools in India are meant to impart you the skills required for obtaining a valid driving license in India. However, certain Indian driving schools are indulging in scrupulous practice of hobnobbing with the corrupt officials in the transport department and can make out a valid driving license through illegal means. The procedures are bypassed and money exchanges hands to achieve the immoral practice of obtaining driving license.
A wrongfully obtained driving license means increase in the incidents of Road rage in India. The untrained and ill-equipped drivers make the driving conditions in India worse. Though few in numbers in terms of percentage, but such drivers are serious threats to road safety in India. The Indian roads are already choc-a-bloc with ever-growing number of vehicles. And not to mention the commuters who give two hoots to the road signals in India. All this makes driving on Indian highways a tough proposition.
Now all this can easily be interpreted as pretty grim scenario on the Indian roads. But surprisingly, for a common man in India, these facts may not stir a hornet’s nest. This is because the poor people have to commute long distances in order to earn a square meal. And no one seems to bother about the increasing lawless on the Indian highways. The call of the hour is to have an integrated approach towards addressing the major issues of obtaining driving license through illegal means.
First of all, we must get rid of middlemen and embrace complete computerization of the process of issuance of driving licenses. The rules need to be forced with iron fist. And the corrupt must be shown the door at the earliest. We all know one rotten apple is enough to spoil the entire lot. And most importantly, the will must be shown from all concerned to bring about a change.
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