1. The first thing we want to talk about is selling a service. There are many opportunities to do things for other people and get paid for it. Here is an example of what I'm talking about.
Become a website designer and build websites for people. There is a huge demand for this is most people are not comfortable building their own website.
One thing you want to do is determine your own niche that you want to be in. What we mean by that is decide if are you targeting the new Internet marketer who might need a short 10 to 15 page website, or are you targeting larger businesses that might have very comprehensive website needs.
The advantage of targeting a niche is you can specialize in it and always become better at providing quality service.
2. Another idea for making money online is to sell a physical product. Today billions of dollars are spent on the Internet by people who enjoy the convenience of purchasing online. If you have products, that you feel a person would have an interest in, you can sell those online.
To do this you will need to have a moneymaking website, a way to collect money, and then ship the product out to your customer. You will also have to provide back end service in case people have questions or complaints.
An easier way to sell a physical product is to become an affiliate for a merchant and let them do most of the work for you. As an affiliate marketer you get paid to drive traffic to your affiliate website, and earn a commission whenever someone makes a purchase. The affiliate merchant takes care of the details such as shipping the product and collecting the money.
3. A final way we want to mention for making money online is to sell information products in the form of digital information. People will pay for information, and these products are great, because there is no shipping involved. You can join affiliate programs such as ClickBank and have access to thousands of products, or you can create your own and sell them online.
These are three ideas for making money online anyone can do. Whether you sell a service, a physical product, or sell digital information, there is great money to be made on the Internet today.
Ideas For Making Money
What's the perfect job? How about a job where you are your own boss, you set your own hours, work right from home, never have to deal with unreasonable deadlines and get to do something you love doing? Sound good? Well that's the job description of a logger. That, however, is the not the whole story! There are very, very few loggers who have nothing else to do but work on their blog and even fewer who have a blog that provides a decent source of income so bogging is, for most, a second or even a third "job."
There are two basic types of loggers, the casual logger and the serious logger.
The casual logger may have a basically well balanced life and a blog that is primarily a hobby. The casual logger will start writing a post, work at it for awhile and then stop to get some other things done until he or she feels like writing again. If a finished post doesn't get many comments, that's OK; the post expressed just what the casual logger wanted to say and it's out there if anyone is interested.
The serious logger's situation is quite different from the casual logger's. The serious logger has a blog that he or she considers to be a job -- a job that may be competing with other important elements of life such as a primary job, a family, a social life and adequate rest. The serious logger is committed (almost to the point of an obsession) to maintaining his or her blog and feels it is an essential element of daily life. The serious logger feels dejected if any post sits on the blog for twenty-four hours or so without generating a comment or if the bog's "hit counter" does not register a certain number of visitors every day. That kind of commitment to bogging may take a big hunk of time out of the day and can easily create some serious conflicts between bogging and the rest of life -- to avoid this; the serious logger needs to be organized and efficient.
Time management for the serious logger! Anyone who feels that the day is too short needs to understand and implement the basic principle of time management: setting priorities. Some things are obviously more important than other things but some important things may be left undone unless you are controlling your schedule and not having random events control you. You need to set priorities and live by them.
Make a priority list! To begin setting priorities, make a list of everything you need to get done -- everything including things you've committed to doing, things you want to do, things you know you should do and things that you really don't want to do but are on your mind. Be honest and put everything on the list -- take a couple hours or more to put it together if you need that much time, it will be time well spent because you are about to get organized.
Important: You will be using and modifying this list every day so create the list using some program that will allow you to move list items around, add items, remove items and save the list. Just notepad or your word processing program will do nicely but there are other more specialized programs available -- they may even be free, check out: Tacos at tacos. Com.
Categorize! Now carefully consider each item on the list and put each one into one of the following five categories.
Must get it done today
Must get it done this week
Nice to do and might be beneficial
Nice to do but not really necessary
Now you have a decent priority list. Start every day with this list and every time you become aware of a new task add it in a proper place to the proper category. As the "must do" items are accomplished and moved off the list, some of the nice-to-do items may be moved up, but only if their priorities can honestly be changed.
Too many must-do things! If the list of items in the two "Must get it done . . . " categories is overwhelming, reconsider each item's importance and re-prioritize if you can, if not select the items that you really don't have to do yourself, things like fix-it projects, business phone calls, business letters, editing and proofreading jobs, etc. -- some of these things may be able to be done just as well by someone else. Find a friend, family member, co-worker or a freelancer to do it for you.
Both Gen Wright & Manit Mehra are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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Manit Mehra has sinced written about articles on various topics from Search Engine Marketing, How to Sell on Ebay and SEO Articles. For more useful tips & hints, please browse for more information at our website:- http://www.bloggers-guide-to-profit.com. Manit Mehra's top article generates over 14800 views. Bookmark Manit Mehra to your Favourites.
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