If you are an internet marketer it is imperative that you use social bookmarking to promote your site and no marketing or promotion is completely successful without a high ranking in the search engines, especially Google. One of the best ways to achieve getting more traffic to your site is to get into social bookmarking.
It is now a revealed wisdom that in order to get high rankings in search engines, a website must have lots of quality inbound links. And social bookmarking is one of the most effective ways to do just that. It is an internet-based service that allows people to accumulate or keep a list of links to an assortment of web pages that they like. Other users with similar interests can view the links by topic, category, tags, or even randomly.
These social bookmarking sites have the potential to direct hundreds or thousands of targeted visitors to your site within a very short time. It is also evident that higher and more successful Google Ranking might be done on the basis of those pages that users find interesting on social bookmark sites.
To promote your website or business to a specific targeted audience, you must begin publishing articles to the social bookmarking sites as quickly as you can. Make sure it has good content also, so that others will want to link up with you, and you will be listed on many other pages as well.
Page rank is a statistical assessment used by Google that signifies how popular a site is on the web. Search engines presume that when one site links to a different site, it is casting a vote for the site. More votes imply more popularity of the site. Also, the ranking of the site that is casting the vote determines how important the vote itself is. Google calculates a site's importance from the number of votes cast for it.
The fundamental concept behind social bookmarking is that when thousands of people get together, bookmark their desired sites, and employ explicatory tags to each page that they bookmark, some websites will ascend to the top as being more popular. Other users in the network then refer to those pages. Consequently the posting of the links multiply. This will boost the page ranking.
Successful social bookmarking is a definite way to get a high Google ranking. Consequently it is not adequate to just get the URL of your site on the pages of social bookmarking sites. You need to take care of proper content and avoid spamming. You have to focus on getting more traffic by following some essential tips.
-Quality content: Since users are the determiners in the case of link referrals it is extremely essential to have proper content. Interesting topics that can attract a lot of targeted users is what you should aim for. Make sure that your information resources have high visibility on your site.
-Search engine Optimization: You must follow the search engine optimization tips to make your article accessible to a user. Keyword optimization and target ranking are some of them.
-Social bookmarking buttons: You must make it easier for users to bookmark you. It means that you should create links that keep the number of clicks to a minimum while guiding the user to your page.
How To Increase Page Rank
An extremely large number of web masters are in a quandary. They have spent huge amounts on getting beautifully designed pages with the latest software and animation and they also offer the best products and services. Why then isn't anybody paying their sites a visit? Every day, thousands of websites are launched on the ever growing World Wide Web.
In such a situation, internet users heavily rely upon search engine results instead of paid ads to lead them to the information or products they are looking for. Unfortunately, more than 90% search result users click on only the links that show up on the first or second page of their search results, ignoring the thousands of others that show up after the second page. Since the majority of websites lie in the following pages, there are really high chances of these websites never getting to see the light of the day.
If you do not want a similar fate for your website, then it is high time that you indulged in exercises that would increase your search engine rankings. The first and the most important step that you can take in this direction is to build the link popularity of your web pages in order to improve their Google Pagerank. The number of text links all over the internet that point towards your website play an extremely important role in determining both your page rank and your rank in search result pages.
Most websites languish with low page ranks because building link popularity is a time consuming job that needs dedicated effort. However text linking is the only way of increasing your page ranks and giving your web site the life it deserves. By following our tips on building link popularity, you will very soon be able to achieve a much higher page rank than what you thought possible.
? Create As Many Links To Your Website As Possible All Over The Internet. This is because Pagerank is calculated on the basis of the number of back links that your website has on other pages on the internet. The larger the number of back links that you have, the higher will be your page rank, but mind you, your ads will generally not be counted. The easiest method of doing this is by submitting to directories, but since most directories already carry a lot of links, they might not improve your page rank drastically.
? Place Text Links On Sites That Have A Higher Page Rank Than Yours. Google gives different levels of importance to different backlinks based on the web page they are placed on. A text link from a page with a high page rank will increase your own page rank more when compared to a text link from a page with a lower rank. So always try to put your links on sites with a high PR through forum postings, blogging and article writing.
? Create Back links On Sites That Have Related Content. Search engine spiders are smart enough to pick up links that are ?planted? where they have no significance. Links placed on unrelated sites, like a text link for a cosmetics site on a sports news site, will generally be ignored. So the key is to tie up with people who are into a similar business.
? Put Your Keywords In Your Text Links. The text that you put on your links is used by search engines to determine the content of your website. Therefore, putting in keywords specifying what you are all about will get you higher search engine rankings when that keyword is searched for.
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