The changing career climate can be a result of technology as much as it is driven by popular demand. While changing your career may simply mean that you decide to go in a different direction or lost your first job and were forced to make a change, there are as many times when a changing career climate puts you in a field or job that didnt even exist a few years ago.
Here are some examples of jobs created by the changing career arena, jobs that didnt even exist a decade ago.
The first position is called a disease map specialist, and commands a beginning salary of about 40,000 with a current cap of approximately 150,000. This new career requires at least a Masters degree and preferably a doctorate in a technical field. You would as well need to have some specialized expertise in one particular disease. A disease mapper would typically work for the government, a private or public college or university, organizations such as the United Nations or some consultant firms.
The hours in this changing career field are highly flexible and youd expect to travel to many exotic countries and areas. The point of disease mapping is the determination of where particular outbreaks occurred, determine the pattern and predict where new outbreaks should be expected. While its not entirely a new thought, it is part of the changing career climate because it uses new technology such as Google Earth. Some who work as disease mappers retrieve NASA satellite-procured data to plot pictures of temperature, rainfall, vegetation and other pertinent data where the particular disease has already struck. The mapper then correlates this with the rate of infection in the area and the reports of local medical care professionals and facilities to map the disease so far and the spread that they then project.
Another example of the changing career climate is the job of robotic programmer. You can start changing to this career with a 40,000 salary and work up to 100,000 a year. All you really have to have in the way of a formal degree is a technically relevant associates degree and a lot of hands-on training in robotics. In this changing career youll be travelling quite a bit to your companys client locations, helping each learn to direct their robot and customizes it to their needs. People skills are important to do well at this job. The five primary firms that are looking for robotic programmers are Motoman, Fanuc, ABB, Toyota and Panasonic.
While taking a robot programmer job would certainly qualify as changing career one who has done well at the occupation is generally someone who has prepared himself albeit without the robotic expectation - as an arc welder. Rather than a changing career it really was, for him, somewhat of an evolution from his current job a natural segue. Robots arent nearly as rare as they were 10-20 years ago. Industrial robots began in the auto industry but now are used extensively in the medical field and many manufacturing arena.
How To Get Employment
Why network? Networking in the employment and career field offers the number one source of finding employment and job advancement. It is often stated that the vast majority ? estimated as high as 80 ? 90 % of jobs are filled inside organizations rather than outside. Generally in life people do not like risk and change. Better to deal with someone you know, can judge and trust. As well someone who recommends a future employee to an organization should have a vested interest in recommending a person who will be of good benefit to that organization. As well it should be noted that the person who does the recommendation has their own self interest to consider in case things do not work out well with the prospective hire.
In fact many employers will pay an employee who recommends a future hire a ?finder's fee? or other reward. Better to reward someone in your organization for growth than to reward an outsider such as a commercial ?head hunter?.
It may be said that sometimes a firm will look outside of the norm to hire someone ? especially management to shake the organization to be a ?whipping boy?. This does occur. However these are not situations where you would place yourself for serious career advancement.
Networking is in actuality the process of developing relationships with people who can assist you with job search strategies and in finding strong job leads. Often people you seriously network with (including those you ask as valued references on your job resumes or applications) will become your best proponents. It should be noted that networking should be distinguished from simple hobnobbing and name dropping.
Networking in its true sense is a sincere, two ways relationship not a shallow one way activity. The distinction can not be stressed enough. If you are unable to comprehend the difference between the two - then this activity of career networking is not currently the right path for you.
The benefits of networking are great. Networking will focus your job choice and career direction. You will be tapping into jobs that you would most likely not have access to otherwise. You should be in a position to gain information and perspective about your chosen industry and firms or organizations that you would not be privy to or be able to comprehend or appreciate the significance otherwise. Specialized information such as industry and geographical trends, job search structure and protocols and hiring processes in your chosen fields will avail itself to you in your employment search.
It is a wonderful trait in interviews to be confident with industry perspectives as well as privileged information about the going ons of firms that you are making job applications for. The biggest percentage of most job interviews is based on preparation before the interview, not during it. Networking will be your best tool for successful pre interview preparation and planning.
As well networking affords self promotion in a socially acceptable manner without bragging rights to those people in the hiring stream who ultimately matter the most to you in your employment search. In effect you are practicing your communication and interviewing skills as you successfully navigate the network streams.
Remember that for all the serious work you do in your job search in the end you never know who can be of the most help to you. Be sincere and appreciative in all that you do.
Both James Copper & Shaun Stevens are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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