In NYC, traffic courts are administrative tribunals and, in general, plea bargaining is NOT allowed. Therefore, any ticket which you receive must be fought or you will recieve points on your driver's license and a fine. In many cases, you will recive
a driver assessment, which is a tax for being a bad driver.
This tax is in addition to the fine you pay when found guilty by the administrative law judge. By simply paying a ticket, you are pleading guilty to the charge. Then
the points will stay on your license for the longest possible
time period. This will affect your insurance premiums and could lead to the supension or revocation of your driver's license.
By hiring a competent counselor you can greatly
reduce your risk of having higher insurance, paying fines, paying a bad
driver tax and of losing your license. A a good attorney like Michael
Spevack, Esq., 160 E. 56th Street, Floor 7, NY, NY 10022, is imperative
to your defense.. Mr. Spevack's phone number is 1-866-LAW-MIKKE
(529-6453) or (212)754-1011. You can visit his web site at
A good lawyer will know how to defend you and present your
case in the best light to the judge. A good lawyer is familiar with
the rules which the police officer must prove in order to
establish his prima facie case against you. A prima facie case is the
elements which an officer must state on direct testimony in order to
establish a moving violation charge against your.
For instance, let's suppose you receive a red light ticket, which is
section 1111D1 in the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law. A police
officer must state on direct testimony that he tested the traffic light
at issue before and after the traffic stop. He or she must state that
the traffic light at issue was working properly at both times. The
officer must describe the light at issue as having circular disks or
arrows. The officer must describe the traffic lanes and whether there
is a stop line or a cross walk in front of the traffic light. The
officer must state that he or she saw the driver approach
the cross walk while the light was in its red phase and pass the
traffic light. The officer must state the apperance of the motorist's
vehicle and then how he or she identified the motorist. That is that
the motorist produced a valid NYS driver's license.
A good lawyer will know that an officer has missed testifying about an
element of the prima facie case, and will move for a disssmissal of the
charge agains the motorist if the police fail to establish all
the required elements of a charge.
A good lawyer knows all the prima facie case elements for all VTL or
Traffic Rule violations of which a motorist can be accused. A good
lawyer will know which judge values which prima facie case elements
more than others.
For instance, some judges will not care if a police officer fails
to describe the shape of the traffic light's actual light bulbs as
circular or arrow shaped. Other judges will dismiss if an officer
forgets to do this.
As you can see a good lawyer is imperative in NYC to fight traffic
tickets. Unless you want to study the law on the elements
for which you have been charged and spend a week or so at DMV court
studying the judges for their particular requiremetns to prove a case,
it is better to hire a competent lawyer.
You can reach Michael Spevack, Esq. at 212.754.1011 or 866-LAW-MIKE or
visit his website at Mr. Spevack
represents large taxi fleets in NYC and would be glad to help you with
your situation.
How To Fight Traffic Tickets
Speeding tickets are very persistent in the lives of all commercial drivers. The question is how to tackle this problem? If you want to know about a good way of dismissing traffic tickets, you can rely on the services of Drivers in California have been benefitting by this service that takes care of such problems. You can get all the help you need from the services of
It is the judge who will listen to the statements of the witnesses who have been sworn against you and you may also ask questions of the witnesses. After the judge hears both the parties, the case will be presented and the court will decide on the matter. If it is proved in court, that you are not guilty, then the bail deposit which you have paid to the court will be returned to you within a period of 6 to 8 weeks. As soon as the trail is over, the bailiff or the clerk will verify the address so that the amount can be returned. If you are found guilty, then you will be required to pay a fine. The amount of the fine generally does not exceed the amount of the bail deposited.
According to Sherman Ellison who has successfully handled numerous traffic ticket cases over a period of 36 years that is one of the best ways to get rid of these unnecessary traffic tickets. This is especially designed for all those drivers who want to resolve the matter without taking help of an attorney.
If you are willing to go to court for the traffic tickets, you should take note of certain things. The clerk or the court bailiff will offer preliminary instructions. Under the Government Code Section 72190, the court commissioner or the judge is allowed to judge the case.
There are cases when the defendant is found guilty and the whole amount of fine is suspended. In this procedure the deposited amount of money will be returned to you, but the driver's record will have the imprint of a conviction. It is better to be present during the trial period; otherwise there are chances that conviction will be shown as if you had paid the amount for the ticket. The court allows you to change the date of the trial only once. If it urgent, you should send a letter to make a call at least 10 days before the trail stating the reason of your absence. You will be given a new date for the trail. The trial does not take long, but you may be in court up to 3 hours.
If you want to know about a better way to dismiss your ticket, then you should log on This service is exclusively provided by which is known to tackle all traffic tickets in California including speeding tickets and red light camera tickets. You can also call 800-850-8038 for more information.
Both Michael Spevack, Esq. & Steven44 Miller44 are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Michael Spevack, Esq. has sinced written about articles on various topics from Traffic Ticket. Michael Spevack is an NYU School of Law Graduate and for over a decade has been a lawyer in the taxi industry in NYC. He fights traffic tickets on behalf of some of the largest taxi garages in the City and is now available to the public to fight tickets.. Michael Spevack, Esq.'s top article generates over 480 views. Bookmark Michael Spevack, Esq. to your Favourites.
Steven44 Miller44 has sinced written about articles on various topics from Traffic Ticket. Steven F. Miller is author of this article on California. Find more information about. Steven44 Miller44's top article generates over 590 views. Bookmark Steven44 Miller44 to your Favourites.
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