Have you been issued a traffic ticket, other wise known as a moving violation in the State of California? Do you know that you can avoid having to go to court for a trial and instead have a written trial? The procedure is known as a Trial by Written Declaration and California is the only State that allows it. Vehicle Code Section 40902 which pertains to a Trial by Written Declaration allows a defendant (you the driver) to contest citations in writing, without having to make a personal appearance in court. A Trial by Written Declaration is available in cases involving infractions of the Vehicle Code or of local ordinances of the Vehicle Code. Violations eligible for a Trial by Written Declaration must be infractions only. Misdemeanors, mandatory court appearances and cases involving accidents make you ineligible for a Trial by Written Declaration.
It is a requirement of the court that you must pay your bail (fine) up front when you process your paperwork. From there you will get your results within 60-90 days. If at that point you are found not guilty or the court dismisses your case, you will get your bail money back and the point will come off the record.
If you are found guilty or otherwise unsatisfied with the courts decision, you can exercise your right to a Trial De Novo. The "Trial De Novo" is a complete new trial which is in court, in person. At this point the officer must be present to testify against you. If the officer fails to appear, the case will be dismissed on the basis of a lack of competent evidence and the point will no longer be on your record.
What about traffic school if you lose your trial by declaration? According to Vehicle Code section 42005 and pertaining to People vs. Wozniak, you can still have the option to attend traffic school even after you have been found guilty of the alleged violation.
How can I process the Trial by Written Declaration? If you are looking to process a Trial by Written Declaration and you need professional assistance, refer to www.ticketbust.com.
How To Fight Traffic Ticket
As you read this article, notice how discovering
that you are being ripped-off by your local
government officials inspires you to take action.
If You Drive A Car or Motorcycle in the U.S.
Be Prepared To Receive A Traffic Ticket.
Now, Your Guilt or Innocence Does NOT Count.
Because we, licensed drivers, represent a lucrative
source of income for local municipalities. In their
impaired eyesight, we look like a $16 billion
ATM Machine.
Here's how some of the plots work:
Lawmakers meet and declare, We need more money
for________(fill in the blank.)
Ok, let's create a law that says It's Alright to withdraw
The Money from licensed drivers who break the law.
Just to be on the safe side, and guarantee our new
income, let's set up speed traps, infra red cameras,
reduce the time at red light intersections, assign
unmarked cars with radar guns to "dangerous"
intersections and roadways, reduce the speed limits
on the roads, so that everybody is speeding,
and any other good ideas we can think up.
Holly Springs, Ga. Mayor Tim Downing, after imposing
a $12 traffic ticket surcharge to pay for gas in police cars,
offered this logic for this tactic..."This is a self taxing
system. If you don't break the law, you don't pay the tax."
From your experience, does that sound like the truth?
Think about this. Our local government officials are
using their positions of trust to legally force extra money
out of our wallets...in the name of various "creative"
traffic safety issues. Traffic accidents are on the decline.
That kind of pressure on your budget moves you to
take action, doesn't it?
Now this is neither a rant about the unfairness of
undeserved traffic tickets nor an idle complaint about
the hidden agendas of our government power brokers.
Until NOW, we were almost helpless victims of a
diabolical financial plot by municipalities I call "The
Government Traffic Ticket Collection Conspiracy."
More about a real weapon currently available later.
First. How's this for a conflict of interest?
Virginia Introduces $3550 Speeding Ticket
Virginia legislator introduces new speeding ticket
tax that boosts penalties beyond $3550, driving
business to his traffic law firm.
Other local government officials are watching to
see how this law plays out. I believe they are asking
themselves 3 questions. (1) Will the law get repealed?
(2) How much noise will citizens make? (3) Can state
Delegate David B. Albo get reelected?
What are they searching for? Our "money pain"
threshold. Is it $3500, $5000 or more?
Of course, if we don't pay these extortions and
revenue generating taxes, our driving privileges
can be suspended.
What Do These Lawmakers Know That We Don't?
My answer is in the form of a question.
Who would State Delegate David B. Albo or
Holly Springs, GA. Mayor Tim Downing or any other
elected official be most intimidated by, today?
A call to cease and desist from a representative of the
39 million paying members of the AARP or you or
I as an individual registered voter and licensed driver?
That question brings me to the most crucial point
of this article.
If we communicate with our local elected
government officials, en masse, in a language they
understand and will respond to:
"We have thousands of paying members in your district.
We brought you into our world,
We will change the traffic ticket collection system, almost
Washington lobbyists, trade unions, and parents have used
this strategy, successfully, for many years. It works.
To conclude this article, I repeat:
If You Drive A Car or Motorcycle in the U.S.
Be Prepared To Receive A Traffic Ticket.
Now, Your Guilt or Innocence Does NOT Count.
Our challenge...Change that last statement to say:
Now, Your Guilt or Innocence Is All That Matters.
What action can we take NOW, to stop this financial attack
Both David Robson & Ticketstopper are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
David Robson has sinced written about articles on various topics from Traffic Ticket. If you are looking to process a Trial by Written Declaration and you want professional assistance, refer to http://www.ticketbust.com.. David Robson's top article generates over 3600 views. Bookmark David Robson to your Favourites.
Ticketstopper has sinced written about articles on various topics from Traffic Ticket. Meet Troy Simpson. He has developed a concept sorevolutionary that he is being featured on both Fox Newsand CNN on an ongoing basis. Inc. Magazine hasinterviewed him for an upcoming article. Troy is a former police officer and co-author of asoon to be rel. Ticketstopper's top article generates over 3600 views. Bookmark Ticketstopper to your Favourites.
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