Speed traps and speed tickets can be quite annoying but is there any "best solution" to avoid one? Of course, speeding is dangerous! But sometimes a situation may force you to over speed like taking your wife for the delivery of the baby or taking someone critically ill or hurt to the hospital. So, how do you avoid a speeding ticket yet get your task completed on time?
To know the options, you first need to understand the options and information available to you. Let's start by knowing the type of cameras being used in the UK for catching speeding motorists. There are 4 types of cameras being used in the UK as of now and they are:
?Gatso: are fixed cameras that use radar technology on every passing vehicle. The beam from the camera will hit your vehicle and return back to the Gatso equipment thus providing your vehicles exact speed at the point. All Gatso cameras shoot the vehicle from the rear.
?LTI 20/20: a favorite camera of the UK Cops, especially the mobile units. These cameras have been designed in such a way that they can be hand held as well as stand mounted (most common). Usually these cameras will take the front shot of your car although they can be reversed to take the rear view shot as well.
?Truvelo: uses the loops on the road to determine the speed of a vehicle. If you are driving your vehicle too fast over these loops then the camera will automatically get triggered and take the front shot of your car.
?Specs: is a "new generation" camera that can easily take images of any vehicle that passes from point 'a' to point 'b'. The distance between the points can be several hundred metres. The image of your car will be taken at point 'a' and 'b' after it measures the vehicle average speed between both the points. These photographs will have a date and time as well. These days more Specs cameras are being installed and used across the UK.
The Specs system was enforced because people on the roads were getting smarter and would often slow down near the camera points and speed off after the camera points. But the Specs cameras have a flaw as well. The camera measures the speed of a vehicle between point 'a' and point 'b', which is calculated as the average speed. Only if your vehicles average speed is over the speed limit will you get a speeding ticket. Now the flaw, according to Home Office, is that if you changed your lane somewhere between point 'a' and point 'b' then your earlier average speed will not be valid. The only valid speed will be the speed of your vehicle between point 'a' and point 'b' in the same lane.
So the best option you have to avoid speeding tickets is to jump or hop lanes! Of course, remember that you need to drive safe because there is someone waiting for you at home!
How To Avoid Speeding Tickets
Have you ever been caught by the speed camera and fined? Are you exasperated with the fact that every time you hit the accelerator, a speeding ticket is sent to your home directly? If so, here is some good news for you: you can actually avoid speeding fines! Of course, avoid speeding is the advice of the day but there are other ways of avoiding speeding fines too. Here's the headline: The very speeding camera that catches people speeding has a major flaw in it.
The Home Office in the UK has admitted that it is possible for drivers to avoid getting caught in the "New Generation" speed cameras. This camera works by calculating the average speed of the car over a long distance. This simply means that you can easily avoid 3 points on your license as well as ?60 fine. So how is this possible? The camera used in the UK roads is different from the standard Gatso camera. The Gatso camera will flash when a car passes by it but the new gen camera measures the speed of a car between two fixed points, which can possibly be miles apart. Now if the average speed between these two points is higher than the speed limit then the driver gets a speeding ticket.
This camera was designed especially for those motorists who slow down in front of the camera and then over speed the moment they have crossed the camera point. The Home Office has actually set aside a rule that states the prosecution of drivers is valid only if they are filmed in the same lane from the starting point to the finish point. This means that you will be fined only if you are found speeding in the same lane between the two points that the camera is measuring. Guess you have got the answer by now! Yes! If you keep changing lanes then you will end up avoiding speeding fines. So all you have to do is leave the speed camera lane using a different lane than the one that you came from originally.
This camera is being manufactured by Speed Check Services (SCS) and they have also confirmed that you can avoid speeding fines by lane hopping. There are 27 such sets of cameras installed all across the UK and the cost of installation ranges from ?180,000 and ?1.5 million per site. The SCS cameras function by measuring the time your vehicle will take to pass through two number plate reading cameras that have been set 6.2 miles apart. If you are driving in the same lane for the 6.2 miles then a computer will work out the time you will take to cover the distance and thus it will calculate the average speed of your car.
But Home Office 'type approval' rules states that each of the individual sets can't be linked to any other set. So if you jump lanes then you will move into another set and your previous set will not remain valid. And you'll successfully avoid any speeding fines!
Gen Wright has sinced written about articles on various topics from Terrier Dogs, Acne Treatment and Lose Weight. James Spencer is an established writer in the speeding tickets industry. A personal interest in avoiding speeding fines started his career ambition, to properl. Gen Wright's top article generates over 1220000 views. Bookmark Gen Wright to your Favourites.
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