Once you have decided on a date to move, arrange with your utility companies to have them turned off or transferred to your new address. Wait until the end of business day or the day after you plan to leave for the electric account. Packing the truck may take longer than expected and there are always unexpected surprises. Trying to load that truck in the dark because your electric is turned off will just create more of a delay. Same with the water, you do not want to be without water if you are delayed.
You may be due a refund if you had to put a deposit on the account when you opened it. Give the utility company your new address. It usually takes 4-8 weeks for these to be processed.
If you are moving out of the area
You may need to open new accounts. If you did not get information on local utility companies when you purchased your new home, or signed your new apartment lease, ask your real estate agent or new property owner. If they cannot help you, much of the information you need is on the internet. If you are not sure what to look for, Google electric company your town, your state (or water company, phone company, etc.) Many companies will allow you to open an account online. Have the service start date the day you plan to arrive.
Here is a checklist for your utilities
Most online service providers can be accessed from anywhere. You just update the local numbers when you get to your new location. If you subscribe to a local cable or phone company for your local internet service you can open a free email account with Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL, there are tons of free email services. Choose one that you can download their software, this way you can access your email and the web while you wait for your new internet service and/or DSL account to be set up. Again, if you open the account in advance, everything can be ready to go when you get to your new address.
Use this checklist when you are opening new accounts
Nadine Borrelli has sinced written about articles on various topics from Home Management, Trucks. Nadine Borrelli is a freelance writer who writes articles on a variety of subjects. To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit: . Nadine Borrelli's top article generates over 74000 views. Bookmark Nadine Borrelli to your Favourites.
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