In the past six months I've contacted a number of web sites using the email addresses listed and either never heard from them or heard from them 4 days later.
When we're putting together a new web site marketing strategy for a client.
One of the very first things we like to do is send them a mystery email asking various questions about the product or services they provide. Not just one question, but several questions that require a little effort on their behalf.
Then we sit back and wait to see what response we get.
We also like to call the business using the same strategy to see what response we get.
You will be amazed at the responses you receive. If in fact you receive any at all.
Unlike bricks and mortar businesses, web sites are open 24/7. Therefore, as part of your web site marketing strategy you need to be continually checking your inbox for new enquiries.
The great internet businesses that we deal with are the ones that respond quickly with helpful information.
Great customer feedback doesn't need to cost $1000's. Try a mystery email to your business.
Free Customer Relationship Management
What can you give your customer today, that will make you and the person you give it to, feel great? And you can give lots of them to lots of customers, and it doesn't cost you a cent
Well many people are altruistic, like Bill Gates, who has pledged $20bn to charity - but he can afford it! So can you give things away right now - yes you can, because it's free
Let me give you a few hints, and also tell you some of the huge benefits to you. In fact since I started doing this, indeed, when I remember to do it, I get a real buzz. So do most of the people I give them to.
I would be lying if I told you it took no effort, or that you did not have to move a muscle, in fact you need to move 13 muscles. The last person that I gave one to, was a particularly glum, emigrant, serving me coffee at the local Spar shop. It completely transformed her, and I walked out of the shop feeling so much better myself.
I must have doubled the number I gave to my 4 ? year old daughter over the weekend, and wow has her behaviour really got superb, since I made a conscious effort to give her more. And no-one can say I spoil her by giving her these.
Last week, there was someone that I was having problems with. I needed to talk to this person about something, so I gave her one of my free presents. You know what, it was such a good meeting, I went back home, feeling energised, and did some great work.
Did you ever feel depressed? In the US , lots of people spend a fortune on counselling and drugs, trying to beat depression. Drugs, such as ValiumT, release chemicals into your brain that actually trigger responses in your brain cells, to make you "feel" happier. Giving one of these away actually does the same!
I used to get really stressed in traffic, I still do when I am stuck behind someone, crawling along in the fast lane, but giving these things away, have helped reduce my stress a lot. In fact when I am down a side lane, trying to get into the snarling frenzy, that is Irish rush hour traffic, on one of the main roads, come rail, hail or shine, I wind down my window, and chuck one of these out. It nearly always works, since people will stop to pick it up.
For those of you who worked out what this was, a while ago, you are probably smiling to your self right now, you probably feel really good. You certainly must feel a little bit better than when you started reading this.
Why, because you just gave yourself one.
So go on, be a devil, give yourself another one - smile again!
Now, go out there and give another one to the first customer you meet, it will make you both feel really great.
And what is more, people will actually really want to do business with you!
Both John Hopkins & Peter Lawless are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
John Hopkins has sinced written about articles on various topics from Guide Guitar, The Internet and A Secured Loan. Get your FREE 35 page web site marketing collection today.This document contains over 35 pages and 8000 words of practical hints on web site marketing, podcasting, and online video. It's updated weekly to include more and more articles.To get your FREE co. John Hopkins's top article generates over 12100 views. Bookmark John Hopkins to your Favourites.
Peter Lawless has sinced written about articles on various topics from Customer Service, Business Marketing and Mortgage. This article was written by Peter Lawless, founder of 3R Sales and Marketing. For previous articles like this, visit 3R's Articles. Alternatively, subscribe to Success our free mo. Peter Lawless's top article generates over 27100 views. Bookmark Peter Lawless to your Favourites.
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