Most marketing firms do a lot of direct marketing. One might even suggest it's traditionally the bread and butter of a marketing firm's income. However, in order to properly manage a direct marketing campaign your firm will need to have adequate direct marketing support services, including lettershop services. These support elements will do the grunt work in your direct marketing campaign.
Direct marketing support services many involve such things as printing, mailings database management, and campaign management. While lettershop services handle issues tied to the distribution of your direct marketing campaign. This includes many mundane tasks such as labeling, presorting, folding, tracking and so on. However, as mundane as these tasks may be they are critical to the completion of a successful direct marketing campaign.
In most direct marketing campaigns, direct marketing support services, and lettershop services are handled by an outside vendor. As with the selection of any outside vendor, we suggest you do your research. But there's a problem with this. Obviously, competitive marketing firms may be loathe to give you any information about the companies they use for direct marketing support services, and lettershop services. But we have found a way around that one, and it may sound silly but it actually works.
Call your congressman.
Stop laughing. We are serious.
Why, you may ask, we are not trying to get a bill passed? We are just looking for some good vendors for direct marketing support services and lettershop services, how could our congressmen help with that? Well, it is quite simple, political candidate do a lot of direct mailings, and they usually use local companies. Also, you are a small business in your congressman's district; he will have a reason to help you.
Okay, so now you have found a good company to handing your direct marketing support services and lettershop services. Are there any other pitfalls? Of course there are. As with many other outside vendors, those dealing with direct marketing support services and lettershop services make money on volume. Meaning that quality control, though a priority, may not be their top priority. So you need to be especially carefully that all printed material, databases and instructions are given both verbally and in writing.
In our experience, if you have never worked with the vendor, we suggest you do this in person. Although thanks to digital printing a lot may be done via phone, FTP and email, we still feel that these initial contacts should be done in person. And do not give this job to a new hire or an intern. That is just asking for trouble. This needs to be done by someone who has been at your firm for at least a year. Someone who can think on his or her feet.
Another important thing about vendors who offer direct marketing supports services and lettershop services is that they see direct marketing campaigns every day. They have a sense of what works and what does not. If they question some aspect of your campaign, listen to them. They probably know what they are talking about. And, as you and vendor build trust; you may find them giving you pointers that they only share with valued customers. We might add that the referral from you congressman, might also help grease the early client vendor relations. And you thought that was a crazy suggestion, right?
Direct Marketing Services Inc
I mean, how difficult can it be, right? You are an expert in your field, a fountain of knowledge - yet amongst all of that insight and experience, it seems so hard to put 450 words on a piece of paper about any sort of subject. If this is the case, you have Writers Block...
So, at this stage, what do we consider doing?
1. Throwing the laptop out the window (not the best solution).
2. Space out for a bit longer trying hard to focus, with the intention of stirring up something that may then miraculously appear in your thoughts for the beginning paragraph - or even the first line for that matter. But, nothing happens...
3. You outsource your writing.
Ok, I don't know about you, but 3 sounds like a pretty good deal. Believe it or not, there are many people on the internet who take advantage of the benefits of article marketing - who never actually write articles themselves. It doesn't mean that they don't know what they're talking about; they simply don't know how to convey their ideas through an article. If you're not a natural writer, and you would like to take advantage of article marketing, then option 3 is a no-brainer.
So, basically, all you need is to locate a writer, however, this is not anywhere near as simple as it seems. Article marketing entails following certain specific rules which must be obeyed. One of these rules is submitting unique content. I have come across several instances where people have bought articles and attempted to submit them, where unfortunately, some or all of those articles were rejected due to duplicate content. How is this possible? I will go over a few examples...
a.) The so called "Ghostwriter" has purchased or downloaded PLR (Private Label Rights) articles, altered a few words randomly, and then attemped to pass them off as unique content.
b.) The Ghostwriter did perhaps write the articles - but sold (and still sells) them to anyone who is willing to buy in order to generate revenue. Unsuspecting folk often buy and publish those thinking they have a one-off unique content source.
c.) The Ghostwriter didn't write anything at all, but just copied and pasted a free reprint article from a directory somewhere. So, how do you know if your articles are unique or not? Services such as Copyscape provide valuable tools for the checking of potentially plagiarised online material. Always run your article through a service like this to ensure that what you are about to publish in 100% unique. If it isn't, then you need to be paying a visit to the ghostwriter for a refund.
Finding an excellent quality article writing service that gives you real value for money can be difficult, but once you have a top-notch provider, your article campaign should be off to an excellent start.
Think to yourself, what you will do with all of this newly found free time?
Both David G. Petten & Michelle Dale are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Michelle Dale has sinced written about articles on various topics from Internet Marketing, Finances and Direct Marketing. Michelle Dale is The Managing Director of Virtual Miss Friday, a highly skilled Executive Virtual Assistant who assists businesses and individuals with accomplishing their professional aspirations. Do you want to discover more about these inspiring busine. Michelle Dale's top article generates over 4400 views. Bookmark Michelle Dale to your Favourites.
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