The biggest problem people have is misunderstanding exactly how to make direct marketing do its job and what exactly that job is. Usually improper expectations are the chief thing to blame. Before you set out on your direct marketing be sure you're aware of the real success rate that will work best for you.
Now, understanding that success rate isn't always going to be simple, and there are a lot of factors to take under consideration.
The first thing to know is the cost of the marketing itself. Postcard printing is one of the best and most cost effective methods of making direct marketing work. Compared to other forms of advertising postcard marketing is going to be inexpensive. You also know that people are going to see your ad because an envelope doesn't hide it. Plus, you get a better postage rate on postcards than other forms of mail.
Also, the cost of designing for postcard printing is cheaper given the smaller kind of advertisement you're getting. All of these things allow you to save as much money as you can when it comes to the cost of the materials and the mailing.
Now look to the people you plan on sending your postcard marketing to. If you haven't done the proper research on your intended audience you'll have no way to form any kind of estimate on how many of them are going to want to do business with you.
It isn't difficult to keep track of sales and who's buying what. Make a list of people who have shopped with you or people who have bought similar products to what you plan on marketing to them. This way you know that you're only going to be sending postcards to people who have a history of interest in your industry.
Each industry is also going to have different ways of judging how successful the direct marketing campaign was, and you need to know how to judge your own if you want to have good expectations.
Obviously the more expensive your products are the less people you'll need to hook to recoup your costs. If you plan on advertising a new model of truck to people you won't need very many sales, but if you're advertising a line of inexpensive clothing, you'll need a far greater percentage of interested customers to make your marketing cost effective.
A great feature of direct marketing is the ability to track exactly what that success rate is. Because you know exactly how much you spent along with exactly how many people you sent out your advertisements to, you can keep track of how much business you gained to compare to the cost of the project.
Don't let unrealistic expectations stop you from using an effective strategy. If you aren't properly assessing your intended audience, or you aren't using a cost effective style of advertising, then odds are your direct marketing isn't going to be effective. Make sure you understand the best way to pull off your advertisements before you make any judgments about their worth.
Direct Marketing In India
Direct marketing is another form of marketing and it is quite self explanatory. The word direct here is used to describe the way in which sales copy and pitches are delivered to consumers, which is directly and without the use of intervening media. It also involves the use of communication media either offline or online, and the main defining characteristic of the type of communication is that it is unsolicited. Also, direct marketing is also focused on getting purchases from a specific call to action, which means purchase is gained from lead creation, and the creation of these leads are often defined by acts that consumers have to do to either “opt in” or “sign up”, where later “up-selling” can be done or more tangible offers can be forwarded to the consumer. How is direct marketing measured?
In the only way possible; which is through the response of the consumers, measured as targets and sales generated through direct marketing efforts. Can you make a killing from it? Of course, you can, but how you go about it is very important. One of the common mistakes made by direct marketers is that they come into the campaign very unfocused. One of the important things to understand about a good direct marketing campaign is to know the product literature inside out, which means that you need to have all the information at your finger tips. Nothing kills a marketing campaign or a sales pitch like misinformation or the silence consumers get as you try to work out a response.
Being unsure about a product reflects on the confidence of your sales pitch, and this often leads to failure. Always be certain about what you are selling, and try to have some passion about your product. The belief that you have about your product will reflect greatly on the way that you promote it. In some ways, selling the product and service that you are representing is more like a performance than anything else, as so succinctly put, it is about selling the sizzle and not so much of the steak. One of the other ways that you can turn a great profit from your direct marketing campaign is to get your hands on a highly targeted list to begin with. In this way, you will have an advantage in your selling strategies.
How? Simple. Having a list that is targeted and tailored towards your product means that you will have your hands on a market that is more than likely to be excited by your product at the very least. It is like selling financial products to investors, or teaching tools to a school. The more likely that they are to buy your product, the more likely that you will have success at selling them. These are just some of the principles you need to keep in mind to make a killing from direct marketing. With a bit of hard a work and a dash of smart thinking, you will surely succeed in your campaign.
Both Kaitlyn Miller & Chris Burns are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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