Most marketing firms do a lot of direct marketing. One might even suggest it's traditionally the bread and butter of a marketing firm's income. However, in order to properly manage a direct marketing campaign your firm will need to have adequate marketing support services, including lettershop services. These support elements will do the grunt work in your campaign.
Direct marketing support services many involve such things as printing, mailings database management, and campaign management. While lettershop services handle issues tied to the distribution of your direct marketing campaign. This includes many mundane tasks such as labeling, presorting, folding, tracking and so on. However, as mundane as these tasks may be they are critical to the completion of a successful campaign.
In most campaigns, support services, and lettershop services are handled by an outside vendor. As with the selection of any outside vendor, we suggest you do your research. But there's a problem with this. Obviously, competitive marketing firms may be loathing giving you any information about the companies they use for direct marketing support services, and lettershop services. But we have found a way around that one, and it may sound silly but it actually works.
Call your congressman.
Stop laughing. We are serious.
Why, you may ask, we are not trying to get a bill passed? We are just looking for some good vendors for direct marketing support services and lettershop services, how could our congressmen help with that? Well, it is quite simple, political candidate do a lot of direct mailings, and they usually use local companies. Also, you are a small business in your congressman's district; he will have a reason to help you.
Okay, so now you have found a good company to handing your direct marketing support services and lettershop services. Are there any other pitfalls? Of course there are. As with many other outside vendors, those dealing with direct marketing support services and lettershop services make money on volume. Meaning that quality control, though a priority, may not be their top priority. So you need to be especially carefully that all printed material, databases and instructions are given both verbally and in writing.
In our experience, if you have never worked with the vendor, we suggest you do this in person. Although thanks to digital printing a lot may be done via phone, FTP and email, we still feel that these initial contacts should be done in person. And do not give this job to a new hire or an intern. That is just asking for trouble. This needs to be done by someone who has been at your firm for at least a year. Someone who can think on his or her feet.
Another important thing about vendors who offer direct marketing supports services and lettershop services is that they see direct marketing campaigns every day. They have a sense of what works and what does not. If they question some aspect of your campaign, listen to them. They probably know what they are talking about. And, as you and vendor build trust; you may find them giving you pointers that they only share with valued customers. We might add that the referral from you congressman, might also help grease the early client vendor relations. And you thought that was a crazy suggestion, right?
Direct Marketing Association Mail Preference Service
Here are some tips to boost your chances of success:
"It is important that you collect leads, and make sure that you are in touch with your customers. Email marketing is a useful direct marketing tool.
"You can sell goods or services directly to consumers; mail them directly, and if your customers are convinced of product quality, and give them failsafe delivery schedules; then you will succeed in your business.
"Your profits depend on the effort you put into your business. Even the best product or service is not enough for a business to succeed, if sufficient thought and effort have not been put in. Therefore, plan well, network with friends and acquaintances and get advice from professionals. Be sure of what you are doing is what you want, and then take the plunge.
"Always update your customers with new products and services, and attract them with good deals. Direct marketing gives you the option to wave right into face of the customers with various discounts and promotions. Customers are also aware of the offers.
"Try sending your prospects mailers. When you compare snail mail with email, it is evident that you can send email in bulk, to a huge number of people at very low cost. Letters on the other hand is relatively expensive, when you add up the paper, printing and postage costs. Do not let that dissuade you from using this means of connecting with your prospects, because of its effectiveness.
"The envelope should be attractive or chances are that your prospect will not open it. When the prospect opens the letter, the message on the envelope should continue within the letter. To get a positive response, enclose a stamped envelope or post card.
"Once you receive responses from your customers, remember not make a customer lose interest in your offer if they need to fill out tedious. Potential customers may not have the time; there is risk you may lose them.
"Ensure that your information gathering is quite friendly and brief, rather than lengthy and formidable. Your primary aim is to top your mailers with promotional strategies related to your business. Also, highlight freebies that may prompt the reader to give you a good feedback.
"Do not ever ask personal questions, as customers get wary of your intentions. Sending one mail may not be helpful or successful, since they could misplace it. It is advisable to ask the customer to contact you through phone or mail. Try to provide a toll free number on which prospects can call. To trigger further customer interest you can add some freebies inside the envelope.
Direct marketing has solved some of the biggest challenges in marketing a business through lead generation. Convert these leads into quality customers and then systematically improve your profitability. Systematic direct marketing is a strategy, based on direct marketing methods will deliver a quick and substantive sales improvement.
Both Gordon Petten & Paul Rowe are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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