A direct marketing consumer group consists of a group of individuals whose contact information is listed in a mailing list. Such mailing lists are often commercially available and can be purchased freely by companies keen to expand their existing sales leads and market share. These mailing lists have become increasingly popular recently as business owners begin to acknowledge the importance of having a large pool of potential sales leads to work with. Yet, it is often the case that relevance is often neglected in the frenzied pursuit for quantity. This means lower quality sales leads for the business owners who have purchased these lists in the first place. This article serves to highlight the importance of targeting the right direct marketing consumer group.
For one, the ability to target the right direct marketing consumer group allows business owners to achieve greater efficiency and a comparatively lower wastage of resources. The fact is low quality sales leads result in a lower probability of you generating any sale in the first place. For instance, a list of 10,000 people with only 100 buying from you, would not add as much value to your business, as compared to say having a more streamlined list of 1000 people with 500 buying from you. Clearly, the mathematics involved is pretty much clear as seen from the above example. In the case of the former, you get lesser sales, but yet, have to fork out a relatively large sum of money and amount of effort just to get your marketing efforts going. Comparatively, you pay less but achieve more in the case of the latter. This highlights the importance of targeting the right direct marketing consumer group. You achieve higher returns from your effort.
Moreover, opportunities are abundant should you be able to target the right direct marketing consumer group. In most cases, this group of individuals often has a greater sense of interest towards the product which you are offering as compared to lower quality sales leads. In this case, you might even wish to expand the options available to them. For instance, you might want to request them to join your affiliate program given the fact that they had purchased and used your product. To this, consumers that belong to the right direct marketing consumer group would be more likely to respond to your call for affiliates. With an already keen interest in your products, coupled with the fact that they had actually used your products, you would now have a higher chance of getting them over to your side as an affiliate. As such, targeting the right direct marketing consumer group can provide you with many options that you might want to explore in the future.
Clearly, there are many advantages associated with targeting the right direct marketing consumer group. The most important of which, is a higher return on your investment. Above all, it provides you with many opportunities which you can explore in the long run to grow your business over time.
Direct Marketing Advertising Agencies
One very effective way to reduce your cost is by direct marketing with postcards. As of this writing, a postcard can be mailed for as low as $.24. They are also very inexpensive to print.
A postcard also has the advantage of being able to be read without the prospect having to open a envelope first. That means it has less of chance of winding up in the garbage before your prospect sees your eye headline. It also means if you have done your job and designed an eyebrabbing, compelling headline then you stand a good chance of getting your prospect to read body of that postcard.
A letter, on the other hand, has to be opened in order to be read, and many people will not open their mail if they think it's a marketing letter. The will simply deposit it in the garbage.
One downside to postcard marketing is that you have a much smaller space to work with. That means you will not have enough space to develop a full sales message to your prospects. Sometimes, this can compromise your results because you are unable to create sufficient interest and desire to get a response.
One way around this is to use your postcard in a two-step marketing process. Your first step is to send your postcard with enough information to get the prospects attention and build their interest to the point where they are ready to respond by requesting more information.
Your postcard can then direct them to a call pre-recorded message, go to a website, to call an individual, or to mail a request. Then, you collect that persons contact information and send them the information that they requested.
When planning your two step process, it is important that offer for free information be valuable to the prospect. If it has percieved value, then you will increase the number of responses.
Examples of information that provide value to a prospect are how-to reports, whitepapers, free analysis, free books, and free consultations.
After you have sent the prospect the initial information then, you follow up with more developed sales messages later. This more developed sales message might take the form of a personalized sales letter that has more information and a stronger, more developed sales message.
Following this process, you will develop a list of high probability prospects who are interested in your type of product or service at a relatively low cost. This is because your initial contact with that prospect was through the postcard, a low cost medium.
Now that you have identified these people you can focus additional marketing resources on this list rather than spending your money marketing to the general public. In this second step focus on delivering a well developed message that increases their interest even more and creates the desire to have your product.
This second step is required to drive your prospect to action. You need the second step because you are unable to to create the interest and the desire in your postcard alone.
By using the postcard in a two-step process we are only looking to create enough desire to get the prospect to want to request more information. Once you do that, then can start the selling process.
You will find that postcards can be an excellent way to generate leads for your business. It doesn't matter if your company is b-to-b or b-to-c. Postcards have proven effective in a variety of industries.
Both Chris Burns & Wayne Landt are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Chris Burns has sinced written about articles on various topics from Business Credit Cards, Direct Marketing and Business Loans. Chris Burns is an authority on mailing list services providing valuable advice at http://www.MailingListsUSA.com where you can learn more about. Chris Burns's top article generates over 12100 views. Bookmark Chris Burns to your Favourites.
Wayne Landt has sinced written about articles on various topics from Marketing, Direct Marketing and Aging. Wayne Landt is a marketing consultant and copywriter. He has over 14 years improving marketing and sales results in a variety of industries. For a FREE marketing or advertising assessment. Visit. Wayne Landt's top article generates over 1900 views. Bookmark Wayne Landt to your Favourites.
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