You have surely seen at least one of the thousands of infomercials promoting a new product of some sort. These infomercials are created in order to enlighten the public about a new, amazing product that is simply a “must have”. This is the world of Direct Response TV or DRTV. This term simply refers to the advertising that manufacturers use to solicit consumer response to their new products. Normally, there will be included within the program a short commercial giving an overall description of the product and a number to call, typically an 800 number, where you can order that product. This is one type of Direct Response Marketing and it has been shown to be very effective.
There are actually two types of DRTV. As with most anything, there is a long and a short version. The short version of direct response TV typically includes television ads that are no longer than two minutes. These include most of the regular length television commercials that you see.
The longer form of direct response TV are those advertisements that are longer than two minutes, typically done is thirty minute programs called infomercials. Typically, a company that is interested in promoting their product via an infomercial will purchase a spot on a specific television station. This spot is twenty-eight minutes and thirty seconds long. Products that need extra instruction or a more detailed demonstration are typically shown to the public via these infomercials. In many cases the products that you see on infomercials, or the long form of DRTV, are typically a bit more expensive than those that are shown on a two minute or less commercial.
If you have a product that you want to gain public awareness of, then either of these direct marketing campaigns will work. The form that you use will depend on a few things, including your budget and the specific product that you want to promote. There are many agencies that specialize in the television types of direct marketing that can help you to build your commercial or infomercial in such a way that you get a more positive response from the public. These agencies typically offer a package that includes the strategies you should use, the commercial production and creativity. You may also find that some of these agencies specialize in managing your direct marketing campaign as well.
Television stations, including cable and broadcast TV, typically sell any leftover airtime for the specific purpose of direct response TV. The rates may vary from station to station, but this type of marketing is typically much less expensive than many other forms of airtime. The only specification that must be met in order for your marketing to qualify as DRTV is you must provide a website and/or telephone number in order for your potential customers to contact you and order your product. Many call centers also sell time in which you can accept customer orders around the clock, making it much easier for many to order.
Definition Of Direct Marketing
If you are a smaller business owner and attempting to market to a mass market, then you have probably realized what a tough task that is. Shrewd small business owners have figured out they are better off swimming in a smaller pond. They identify and focus on a niche market within a larger ocean of the general marketplace. Locate and analyze an underserved niche to which you can deliver a tailored message. This works wonders on your marketing ROI.
Let's assume you operate within the travel industry. Marketing general travel services is difficult. However, let's say you decided to focus on the niche of eco travel. This would enable you to craft a specific marketing message to this group. If someone interested in eco travel were to receive a generic travel postcard mailing they might give it a glance. However, if you used postcard marketing with deals relating specifically to an eco tour it would sure to get strong attention.
Your sales conversion rates will increase, and consequently so will your marketing ROI. There are many avenues to contact a niche audience. Postcard printing provides for just one economical path to communicating with your niche. Other mailings could be brochures, booklets or catalog printing for those businesses with an extensive product offering.
The interactive arena provides many good paths to promote your brand to targeted audiences. This can be done with everything from affiliate programs to participation in social networking sites. The possibilities are endless and limited only by one's imagination. Many tools exist now to analyze and isolate where online your particular niche can be found.
Another great idea for connecting with a niche is through charitable endeavors. Identify a charitable cause which elicits support from your niche audience. Using the eco travel example, an obvious choice would be an environmentally related nonprofit. Seeing your brand associated with a cause they hold dear is very powerful brand enhancement.
Developing a brand is an ongoing process which never ends. You must stay attuned to your niche audience and tweak your brand when changes in the market so dictate. Branding requires constant follow up. To a consumer, out of sight is out of mind. Also paramount is to always back up your claims with action. Within a niche bad news travels fast. Conversely, happy customers will quickly tell others about the virtues of your business within their circle of niche members.
Identify an underserved niche. Send the postcard mailing with a custom tailored message. Ally yourself with popular organizations within the niche. Reinforce your message. The result will be a thriving brand making your customers happy and a P&L which brings a smile to your face.
Both David Gervase & Kaitlyn Miller are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
David Gervase has sinced written about articles on various topics from Direct Marketing, Computers and The Internet and Marketing Tips. David Gervase is the President of Revenue Surge, a company which provides e-commerce website owners with a simple and effective platform to generate incremental revenue by displaying. David Gervase's top article generates over 1300 views. Bookmark David Gervase to your Favourites.
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