There's nothing quite as exciting as bringing your new family member home. Whether you have adopted a stray or you have purchased a puppy it does not matter, both will provide you with unconditional love whether you are 1 or 100. Besides unconditional love there are plenty of other benefits of having a dog in the home.
Health is probably the topic that's most talked about these days. That's because studies have shown some remarkable data on pets and health such as a reduced risk of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. 28% percent of people that are hospitalized for heart disease are still alive one year later, while only 6% of those that did not have a dog survived a full year.
A dog will also help reduce stress in your life and overcome feelings of isolation if you live on your own. You've had a horrible day, you're ready to scream, and you walk in the door greeted by Fido with wagging tail. What happens to your stress? Why it just seems to melt away.
Studies have also shown a lower level of triglycerides and cholesterol in those that have a dog. There also seems to be a reduction in blood pressure. This means if you already have a dog you are less likely to suffer from heart disease. It also means if you already have heart disease maybe the best medicine for you is a new puppy. At least it's a great excuse to get a new friend.
Dogs also make wonderful companions. The first step is to decide which breed matches your personality. Remember your new friend is going to be part of the family for as many as 16 years bringing you love, friendship, and companionship. Do your research before you buy. This is a life long commitment. Your dog is a living creature that requires your care. The two of you will build a lasting friendship that will be hard to explain to anyone that doesn't have a dog of their own.
When choosing your long term companion choose the puppy that connects with you. We've all experienced it at some point in our life when one of the puppies seems to pick you and there's an instant bond. That's the puppy you want.
Your dog will also be a protector to you. Don't make the mistake of thinking that you need a big dog for it to be a protector. Sure a big dog is much more intimidating to a stranger, however a small dog can make noise and warn you of a potential problem. Besides small dogs are more likely to nip at strangers than a big dog is. So don't let size be your total guide to choosing a dog as a protector. Of course if you need true protection from physical threats then you should be looking at German Shepherds, Dobermans, and Rottweiler's to name just a few breeds known for their protective nature.
The benefits of having a dog in the home are obvious. Now the only question left is what dog will you choose?
Cost Of Having A Dog
Flea bites cause itching of the entire body and can lead to infection. Fleas do not parasitise aquatic mammals such as whales and seals. They are not often found on ungulates and other roving mammals because they have no permanent nest for the fleas to lay their eggs. Fleas are one of the most common ectoparasites of companion animals and feed on the blood of their hosts.
The blood intake of a female flea can be equivalent to more than 15 times its body weight.
Fleas can jump tremendous distances for their size, and are difficult to remove manually from pets. Fleas often repair minor damage to the wax layer, but the vacuum machinery must penetrate this protective layer to such a degree that wax coating is irreparable.
I know what you are thinking: Fleas are the worst! Fleas pass through a complete metamorphosis life cycle consisting of egg, larva, pupa and adult. A typical flea population consists of 50% eggs, 35% larvae, 10% pupae and 5% adults. Tick collars and powders are not always effective, and may be harmful to your animals. Before using any pesticide, always read directions and warnings carefully.
Ticks may carry and transmit diseases, including Lyme disease, that can cause serious health problems. It's important to check your pet regularly for ticks.
Dogs may have an allergic reaction after eating certain foods or commercial dog food ingredients such as wheat, soy or beef, said Bagladi-Swanson. Dogs and cats scratch constantly when heavily infested, resulting in soiled and roughened coats and, sometimes, in nervous conditions. The most serious effects occur when a pet develops an allergy to flea bites.
Eggs are 50% of the flea population in your house, or over 10 times as many as adults, which explains why they can be hard to exterminate! Eggs will hatch on the ground, in nests, carpet, bedding, upholstery or cracks in the floor. Most hatch within seven to fourteen days.
Adult fleas feed on blood, while their larvae feed on organic debris. Adult fleas want to spend all of their time on your tasty pet, so they aren't hard to find. Both male and female fleas love to drink blood, and after a good blood meal the females will lay about 40 eggs per day. Adult fleas emerge from the cocoon when proper stimulation is present, including vibration, increased carbon dioxide levels, heat and motion. The adult can emerge from the cocoon very quickly and immediately jump on the host.
Larval and nymph stages (immature ticks that cannot reproduce) of the deer tick feed on birds and small mammals. The adult female tick needs a large 3 day blood meal from the deer before she can reproduce and lay her 2000 or more eggs. Larvae are rarely infected.
The lone star tick and the American dog tick also require an extended period of attachment for transmission to occur, but research on this and infection rates are not well defined. Larvae appear in the spring and again in the fall, but are not usually encountered in the middle of the summer.
Both Terry Fitzroy & Joaquin Costa are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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