In this next installment of the US Civil War we're going to take a look at the year 1863. This was the year that that Lincoln freed the slaves. It was probably one of the most important years of the war from a psychological standpoint and contained some of the most important legislature and most famous battles of the entire war.
In January of 1863 congress was slowly moving towards abolition of slavery. Lincoln eventually realized that this was unavoidable. On January 1, 1863 he issues the Emancipation Proclomation. This proclomation declared that all slaves in the areas that were rebelling against the Union were now free in the eyes of the US government.
In March of 1863 was the first conscription act. This act was made because of the problem of getting men to sign up for the war effort. The act made it so that any man between the ages of 20 and 45 could be called into service. This act prompted many riots, especially in the poorer areas of the country.
In May of 1863 was the Battle of Chancellorsville. The battle actually began on April 27 when General Hooker crossed the Rappahannock River to begin his attack against General Lee. But Lee outsmarted them and divided up his forces, attacking Hooker in three places. He nearly wiped out his whole army. Hooker eventually retreated back over the river. Even though Lee was victorious, it was his most costly victory as far as casualties went.
Also in that same month was the Vicksburg Campaign. This was actually a series of battles where General Grant won a number of them. On May 22, 1863, Grant waged a major siege on the city of Vicksburg, Mississippi, leading to the surrender of General Pemberton and the capture of 30,000 men. After these victories, the Confederacy was literally split in two.
In June and July of 1863 was probably the most famous campaign of the entire Civil War, that of Gettysburg. Gettysburg was a major blunder for the Union forces. Even though they won the battle itself, not following Lee into Virginia after his retreat was a big mistake. Had they done so, the war itself might have ended a lot sooner. Shortly after this battle, in November of that year, Lincoln gave his famous Gettysburg Address.
In September of 1863 was the Battle of Chickamauga. The battle itself took place on September 19, 1863. Union and Confederate forces met right on the Tennessee-Georgia border. The Union forces retreated and the Confederacy retained control of the area.
In November of 1863 was the Battle of Chattanooga. This was a major part of the war for the Union army. It was their victory there that paved the way for General Sherman's march through Atlanta.
In December of 1863 was the Seige On Knoxville. This is where General Burnside bravely fought off the Confederacy while he sought refuge in Knoxville. General Longstreet, who led the assault against Burnside, eventually withdrew his army on December 3.