I've got to say I love the Holidays. The warm feeling of love that surrounds us all. The wonderful aroma of holiday food. The bright colors and decorations.
I also love to give and receive gifts. Do you ever wonder how the gift giving tradition started. There are many theories. Here are three.
At some time in our ancient past, friends exchanged evergreen twigs and dried fruits as wishes for continuation and abundance of life in the coming year. Romans exchanged gifts at winter solstice as expressions of affection and brotherhood, giving coins for prosperity, pastries for happiness, and lamps to light one's journey.
Santa Claus, evolved from St. Nicholas, an actual person who distributed his wealth to the needy through the giving of secret gifts. During the fourth century St. Nicholas had a reputation for his generosity and kindness, especially toward children. He was known for giving treats and small presents to them. St. Nicholas has evolved into the magical Santa Claus of today.
In our Christian culture, the giving of gifts at Christmas is said to symbolize the gifts the Wise Men brought to the baby Jesus. The wise men brought three gifts with them to honor Jesus, which had prophetic meaning. Gold- a gift for a king, Incense- a gift for a priest and Myrrh- a burial ointment for one who would die
It doesn't matter if you are giving a gift to a special loved one or an friend from work, you want the person to know you appreciate them. Finding just the right gift can be difficult and time comsuming. I am inserting a link to help you with your holiday shopping. Click here for Special Gift Ideas.
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