Due to the expansion of many companies overseas, many business people are finding it necessary to make trips to a variety of different countries. One of the most common destinations in these travels is the country of Japan. If you are wondering if your cellular phone will function during your visit, there are a few things that you will need to keep in mind.
Japan is one of leading countries in the number of cell phones users. 75% of the total population owns these devices, and that number continues to grow at astounding rates. Due to the number of technological advances that this country has made in recent years, it operates with the 3rd generation cellular technology, also known as WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access). If you have a GMS (Global System for Mobile Communication) cellular phone, it will not function while you are in Japan. These devices are 2nd generation technology and the Japanese offer no availability to this type of system.
If you own a 3G cellular phone, you may have the ability to use your device during your visit. These 3G phones are the only foreign ones that will work in this particular country. If you have difficulties using this type of cell phone, you can use an international roving plan that can be set up with your own service provider, although the company will charge you international rates which can lead to a great deal of added expense. You can contact your cellular phone service provider to discover if your phone will be compatible with the Japanese service system.
A less expensive option that will allow you to use your 3G cellular phone while you are visiting Japan is to rent a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card that you can obtain from a Japanese cell phone service provider. This card will allow you to use your own cell phone with a Japanese phone number which will enable you to pay lower local rates.
If you have a phone that is incompatible with the Japanese cellular service, you may want to rent a cell phone. Many companies offer these rental services right at the major airports and some will also mail the device to your hotel room or your residence. To rent one of these Japanese cellular phones, you will need to present a picture ID and a valid credit card. These rental agreements usually include a rental fee that costs between 250 and 1000 yen per day and a usage fee which costs between 70 and 250 yen per minute.
Purchasing a prepaid cellular phone or a subscription plan in Japan if you are a foreigner is almost impossible. You must present proof of Japanese residency such as a Japanese driver's license or obtain an alien registration card. Unless you plan to be in the country for an extended period of time, a prepaid cellular phone or a subscription plan are not viable options.
Traveling overseas to another country can be an exciting if not exhausting endeavor. To ensure that you will have use of a cell phone during your visit, your best bet is probably to plan to rent one of these devices when you enter the country so you can better enjoy your visit to Japan.
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