Despite it all though, the one thing that has become almost an obsession today is the way our abs look. It seems that everyone is looking for those ever elusive "six pack abs", but much like Ponce De Leon's search for the fountain of youth, it seems like it is impossible to find.
Now, while there is no "magical formula" for attaining a flat, firm, and toned stomach, there is something you can do that if done regularly, will get you the results that you are looking for. To get these results, stomach crunches need to be done daily but keep in mind that stomach exercises alone will not burn the fat off of your midsection.
Keeping your calories in check along with doing your crunches everyday will be the way for you to see that flat, chiseled, sexy stomach. Crunches are easy to do, and if done properly, are very effective for toning those abs. Here is a step by step breakdown of the proper way to get the most out of your crunches.
Lie flat on your back on the floor with your legs bent to about a 90-degree angle with both your rear and your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands behind your head making sure not to interlock your fingers. You can make your hands into fists so you do not pull up on the back of your neck.
The next thing to do is to pick a spot on the ceiling directly above you. This should be done in order to ensure that you do not bend your neck during the duration of the movement. Do not take your eyes off this spot! The most common mistake while performing a crunch is too much stress on the neck as a result of pulling on it with the hands.
The next step is to stabilize the low back. This can be done by tightening the muscles in the abdomen.
Slowly curl forward and up using your abdominal muscles only. There should be no bending at the waist. Keep your abdominal muscles firm for the entire duration to ensure low back stabilization.
Keep your focus on that spot on the ceiling to prevent neck pain as a result of stress. At the top position your shoulder blades should only be between 4-8 inches off the ground. There is no need to go any further. Pause at this top position. This whole movement should be performed slowly and take about 2 seconds to perform. Pause at the top position for 1-2 seconds to ensure full contraction of the abdominal muscles.
Slowly return to the starting position keeping your abs contracted.
That is all there is to it. The crunch is not a very big movement because you are working your abs only. A full sit-up does not work your abs better than the crunch because once you are past the crunch position, your abs are fully contracted and it is your hip muscles that are straining to lift you up, not your abs.
Doing a hundred of these a day is not the key here. Doing two to three sets of 15 to 20 of these at a slow and deliberate pace with good form is what is recommended for maximum benefits and minimum risk of injury.
Best Way To Get Flat Stomach
One of the things you must realize is that getting a flat stomach is not hard. There is no magic wand you must get in order to get a flat stomach. There are lots of erroneous beliefs about getting flat stomach. Hence, when people are laboring under these beliefs, they simply see flat stomach as mere dreams that cannot be attained.
One of the many misconceptions of people about getting a flat stomach is that Ab workouts will do the wonder for them. You should be aware that Ab workout is limited to only your abdomen. Experts advise that in order to flatten your stomach, you need to start with exercises that involves the whole body and not your abdomen alone.
It is not advisable to work out on your abs alone if your stomach is not the only place that has fat. It is useless and waste of your precious time. You cannot be concentrating on one part of the body and expect to get a flat stomach. You must work on the whole body.
When you involve all part of the body in a twenty minutes rigorous exercise everyday, you will have a great body you will be proud of. And this includes your stomach.
So many people that have made use of Ab gadgets simply think that they don't work. There are many Ab gadgets in the market out there that it can sometimes be very hard for you to think that they don't work. If they are not working, the manufacturers would have ceased production due to fall in demand. It must be realized that ad gadgets should not be used alone. You must combine it with a regular exercise and healthy diet.
The use of fat burning pills is another misconception that people have about getting a flat stomach. The truth is that these pills don't work. Even if you combine them with exercise and a good diet, they still won't work as much as using exercise and diets. Hence, it is advisable to stay away from these pills.
The use of crash diets is another misconception of people about getting a flat stomach. So many people out there believe that reducing the intake of food will lead to a flat stomach.
The consequence? You lessen your body's metabolic rate because your body begins to conserve the remaining fat ion your body. Thus, reducing your food intake or not eating at all will only make your fat belly condition worse.
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