When choosing a place to store the hard-earned money made from a career, one does not simply walk into the closest bank and open an account. There are a number of qualities and services to consider when searching for a quality bank. If one is looking to simply open a basic bank account, there are a large number of institutions, commercial banks, credit unions, private banks, and online banks. If your money really matters to you, however, and you want to get the most out of your banking experience, it is important to consider what each bank has to offer.
The first item that someone should consider is the type of service features that that person is searching for. A good way to do this is to create a list of your needs, and then compare that list with what the various banks offer. Again, if you need a simple checking or savings account, the options will be numerous. Having higher standards for a bank's level of service than the basics will help narrow your search, however, and will help you to get more for your money in the end.
By looking at these standards, location also becomes an issue to consider. Although it might seem convenient to choose the bank right down the street, this might not always be the best option. Keep in mind factors such as hours of operation and again, types of services. Even if there is a bank two blocks from home, it will not do any good if they are only open when you are gone at work. For the other extreme, if you find a bank fifteen miles away with great services, but it is rarely open as well, it will be hard to benefit from those services. Many banks have various branches spread throughout the city to offer a more convenient experience. Besides looking at just the main bank locations, be sure to locate these branches when making your decision.
When looking at services offered, some features that go beyond a basic savings or checking account include loans, certificates of deposit, money market accounts, IRAs, education savings accounts, credit or debit cards, and safe deposit boxes. These services have evolved from the basic savings and checking accounts, and will vary in interest rates and fees from bank to bank. These fees and rates are one of the most important items to consider when researching for a bank, as they are one of the main points in which banks differ. If you are searching for a particular type account, like those mentioned above, look at the costs for each location. An account that offers a high interest rate over a long period of time might not be worth it if the cost upfront is extremely high. The same return could possibly be obtained through a lower cost account from a different institution. Finding a good balance between service level, fees, and rates is critical when making your choice.
Banking is all about saving time and money. One of the most popular ways to do this today is through online banking. In today's world, being able to bank online possibly trumps all over items concerning location and convenience. This feature basically allows one to bank whenever and wherever you like, with an Internet connection. Most banks with this feature allow you to check the balance of your accounts, see your most recent transactions, set up bill payments, or transfer funds, all before the bank even opens. With this option, location no longer becomes and issue, and one can take the best rates and fees a bank has to offer even if the closest branch is miles away.
Choosing a bank can seem like a daunting undertaking, but with a clear understanding of what services each bank has to offer, and of what services you need, the choice is made much easier. Overall, you want a bank that offers the best services for your situation, which includes the best services, lowest fees, and highest level of convenience. When choosing a place to save both time and money, take your time and make the right choice.
Solicitors require specialist banking services for a number of reasons. Naturally solicitors need a personal account that suits their method of working but also their professional activities in many cases will also require banking of a specialised nature. Part of the reason behind this is because solicitors often hold client's money during instances such as exchanges of property and the distribution of estates. Property transactions mean that the solicitor will normally have some form of escrow account while estate management requires a probate account. The purpose of both these types of banking is that they mean the client's funds are held by an external party, one that has no vested interest in misusing funds.
The escrow account is one of the most widely used in the legal sphere. It is created to hold onto funds during a property transaction. The definition of an escrow is an agreement between client and solicitor that a third party will hold assets, be they property or funds, for safe keeping during the exchange of a property. In this instance the escrow company is there to act as a neutral body; holding the money until a certain contingency is met. Typically an escrow contract will be drawn up in consultation with both solicitor and clients; this contract will make it clear who is able to access the funds and the conditions that need to be met before the funds are released. Until these conditions are met the escrow banking firm have power of the funds and have a responsibility to hold them securely.
Escrow banking is prevalent all over the world. In the USA it is frequently used by real estate operators, as well as estate agents and solicitors, mortgage companies also utilise escrow banking to pay any relevant taxes and property insurance costs over the mortgage period. It is not just real estate transactions however, any large transaction, be it a business or even a website exchange can utilise an escrow account. Fundamentally an escrow account is needed whenever a neutral party is required in an exchange. The use of the escrow is also expansive in the UK; once again it is primarily concerned with the property industry, especially the private exchange of properties. An example would be when a deposit for a property must be held by solicitors until the transaction has been completed.
As previously mentioned there is another form of banking that is frequently used by solicitors, this is termed as probate accounting. The definition of probate is a legal process that is concerned with the distribution of a person's assets once they have left the mortal coil; in addition a probate also refers to the legal recognition of the rights of solicitors to distribute the deceased's wealth. A probate account then acts in very much the same was as the escrow variety, holding client money until it can be released by the solicitor. Understandably the funds must be held securely by a neutral party until the estate can be distributed by the executor. Fundamentally the third party needs to be neutral so that no misuse of funds occurs and either party, the client or solicitor is given access to the funds until they have been distributed in due legal process.
Hopefully this article has given the reader an idea of the types of solicitor banking services on offer. Both of these forms of account, the escrow and probate are created to ensure that funds are held securely and are not passed on to any other party until the various contingencies are met. Neutrality is key to ensure that no party is ever given an unfair advantage.
Both Mike Pruett & Donald Donaldson are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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