Know that the past is just that, The Past. It can not be changed. But what You can change is how you feel about it and remember, Change is Good, for it is Growth! We are constantly growing... You may ask yourself how do I do this? In order to stop negative thinking your body must be released and relieved of stored up, physically stressful, "memories with emotions", such as anger, abandonment, blame, doubt, fear, guilt, hurt, hatred, rejection and worry. Know that your soul will guide you to which feeling needs be released the most and the order of which to release them. Know also, that releasing stored up "negative memories with emotions" does not involve experiencing the pain associated with that "negative memory and emotion", you've already experienced that. But what you will experience is Relief and a Feeling of Well Being; able to progress in life, to live a life of sheer Joy and Abundance, once Truly Released! Remember, Visualize standing at the most beautiful place on Earth. Holding your hands stretched upward, way up- Looking up into the Universe, Choose the "negative memory and emotion" you first desire to release and do so, while Feeling it leaving your body, sailing up your arms and out your fingertips up into the universe, all the while, knowing it is now permanently released, gone for good. Repeat with all other stored "negative memories and emotion" with Conviction!
You now are able to expand and fill up the spaces they left with Positive Thoughts. The most powerful thing we possess! I suggest, beginning with knowing: "As a man Thinks in his heart, so is he" ~ Proverbs 23:7, "All that we are is the result of what we have Thought." ~ Buddha and "Be the change you want to see in the World ~ Ghandi. Learn the Law of Attraction and Apply it in Your life! Deliberately plant good thoughts daily, by being Grateful for all the things in your day such as your health, family, home, job, friends, your meals, your pets and the beauty of the day and so much more... Give thanks to and for All! Remember, each time you say Thank-you, it's a good thought! As you plant these positive thoughts, you will notice the negative thoughts are gone. Why? Because Your Focus is on good thoughts and what you Focus on You Attract. As you think and plant positive thoughts you are placing them out into the Universe and it has to Attract them into Your life. It will bring you Harmonic Wealth ~ Personal Empowerment, Acceptance, Love and Inner Peace. Watch and or read "The Secret " and live Your life of Joy...
Marcy Richards has sinced written about articles on various topics from self improvement and motivation, Health and Family. Marcy Richards operates a successful, online, home based business as well as spreading the word and How To knowledge on The Secret behind the Law of Attraction. To learn more about how You can apply the Law of Attraction to Your daily life to bring an abu. Marcy Richards's top article generates over 1300 views. Bookmark Marcy Richards to your Favourites.
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