Once you've viewed your credit history report, and you know your credit score, you're more aware of the specific problems you might have trying to get a bad credit loan. If your credit score is quite low, you may still be able to get a loan, but you'll end up paying much higher interest rates for the privilege. Often, the amount of money you can borrow will be significantly lower than if your credit were good. You probably will not be able to borrow tens of thousands of dollars; more likely, only several thousand dollars, depending on a number of factors including your credit score and income level.
You can sometimes increase your chances of getting a loan with bad credit if you're willing to do a little bit of work. When you got a copy of your credit report, you were able to see all of the problems listed on the report that negatively affect your credit score. Chances are that you can have some of those items removed or changed, thereby increasing your FICO score.
Legally, if you dispute an item listed on your credit report, the lender must verify the entry within thirty days, or they are required to remove that item from your credit report. Likewise, if you have items on your credit report which are several years old, you may be able get them automatically removed. Say you have a listing on your credit report which is four years old. It's a revolving store charge account, but that store is no longer in business. If you file a dispute, and no one is around to look up the old records, the lender who owns the debt may be unable to respond to your dispute, so it will automatically be removed. The more negative items you can get removed, the higher your credit score will climb.
Beware, this strategy can also backfire on you. If you dispute something and the company has people available to verify the credit report item, your credit report could be updated with the current date. And sometimes when this happens, it shows as a new credit problem on your credit report. Choose your battles wisely!
Once you've verified that your credit report is accurate, and your credit score is as high as you can get it, then it's time to start looking for banks or finance companies that provide loans for people with bad credit. Keep in mind that you can't always get the full amount that you want. Sometimes you must begin with a smaller loan, perhaps $500. When you demonstrate financial responsibility to the lender, your amount of available credit will increase.
Most lenders who specialize in bad credit loans will allow you to explain your credit history problems. If some of your credit problems are due to circumstances beyond your control- for instance, an emergency medical bill, but all other accounts and bills are paid on time, this information will be considered when reviewing your loan application.
Almost universally, finance companies who provide loans for people with bad credit will charge higher interest rates than traditional lenders. Be prepared to answer some questions about your credit history, and be prepared to pay more in interest and/or loan processing fees. Most people with damaged credit will be able to get a loan, but many of them shouldn't. Make sure you have a legitimate reason for applying for the loan, and take advantage of the opportunity to improve your credit in the process.
Apply For A Bad Credit Loan
There is no need to worry about how to apply for a bad credit secured loan; the process is easy and if you have security you won't have any trouble. A loan application is usually structured to allow you to give supporting details and explain your situation. More important than the actual application is the preparation you must undertake to research and decide on the best loans for your own personal circumstances. Once you are clear about your purpose, your budget and your options, you can make more definite enquiries about a loan.
There are a number of excellent websites that show you how to apply for a bad credit secured loan online. If you want to do it on paper you can often print out the form, fill it in and post it. A typical application form is not difficult to fill out. The internet can make the whole process of researching loans and applying for one very simple and convenient. You also have the added benefit of the privacy factor. You can make enquiries and application without anyone meeting you at the bank and knowing your business. It can also be uncomfortable to explain difficult financial circumstances face to face with another person. Online applications add an impersonal element that can be beneficial in these circumstances.
While you are considering how to apply for a bad credit secured loan, you need to spend some time being very clear about your purpose. What exactly do you want to loan for? What are you hoping to achieve? Can you afford the potential repayments? It is important to also be aware of any fees and penalties for late payments and the potential risks of using your home as security, so this application should not be made lightly. Depending upon the reasons for a poor credit rating, you may well benefit from professional financial advice. For example, experienced debt counsellors can guide you in the best way to consolidate debt if that is the purpose for borrowing.
One of the most common reasons to consider when you apply for a bad credit secured loan is to consolidate debts. However, debt consolidation is beneficial only if you can make a reasonable monthly saving on interest costs and other charges. Before you make such an application for debt consolidation purposes, make sure you are in a better position for doing so. A debt counsellor can certainly help you with this.
As long as you have enough equity in property to meet the requirements of the lender, when you apply for a bad credit secured loan you will probably be successful. Your concern should be how to make an application that will be most beneficial to you. Or, alternatively, how to borrow in a way that protects your assets and benefits your family. Don't feel locked into only one way of solving your problems or borrowing for various purposes. You might be surprised at the number of options you actually have, even with credit problems. Be open minded and you might be surprised at the opportunities that are available to you.
Both Gregg Pennington & Gordon Goodfellow are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by EditorialToday.com and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Gregg Pennington has sinced written about articles on various topics from Finances, Poor Credit and Finances. Gregg Pennington writes articles on a number of topics including loans, debt and credit. For more information about finding a loan with bad credit visit:. Gregg Pennington's top article generates over 27100 views. Bookmark Gregg Pennington to your Favourites.
Gordon Goodfellow has sinced written about articles on various topics from Credit Cards, Credit Card Offers and Credit Cards. Inteltab Loans's site shows you how to make a bad credit secured loan application even if you've been turned down by your bank. Self-employed p. Gordon Goodfellow's top article generates over 74000 views. Bookmark Gordon Goodfellow to your Favourites.
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