Through college credit cards, the college students are able to learn more about credit cards and their use. In fact, for most of the students, their college credit card is their first credit card that acts as a gateway to the world of credit cards. Some other students might have previously used supplementary credit cards linked to their father's credit card account; however, for such students too, their college credit card is the first one that is truly theirs.
College credit cards are not very different from other types of credit cards in the basic sense; they function in the same way as any credit card would. However, there are some differences, which basically arise from the fact that college credit cards are used by people who have no prior experience with credit cards and who perhaps don't understand the concept of credit cards completely.
So, the credit card supplier is at risk with issuing credit cards (college credit cards) to such people whom he is not sure about. Most of the students don't have a credit history either. In such a case, the supplier of college credit card cannot be sure of receiving the credit card bill payments in time (and even receiving them at all).
To counter such risks, the supplier of college credit card requires the parent of the student to co-sign the college credit card application form as a guarantee. Moreover, the credit limit on college credit cards is generally around $500-$1000 per month, which is lower than what it is for other credit cards (this credit limit is generally sufficient to fulfill the typical needs of a student).
Another risk mitigation instrument used by the college credit card suppliers is the interest rate or APR. The APR on college credit cards is generally higher than that for other credit cards. Again, this is done to dissuade the students from overspending on their college credit card (and finally not being able to pay their credit card bills).
However, if we were to look at these impositions in a positive sense, we would find that these are actually in favor of the student (who is still getting trained to take on the real world of credit cards). Moreover, college credit cards also help the students in establishing a (good) credit history which is another important benefit that becomes handy when the student needs any type of loan at a later stage in his/her life.
So, college student credit cards are really something that every student should consider going for. As long as the cards are not misused, getting a credit card while still in college can be a very good learning experience.
Application For College Student Credit Card
8 Tips for College Students Wanting to Apply for a Credit Card
Here's what you can do to make the credit card application process as hassle-free as possible.
Tip #1 Prepare proof of identification. Have your photos ready as well as all your valid IDs. Credit card companies will always have to verify that you are indeed who you say you are before you can proceed any further. IDs where your age is stated are also preferred because you have to prove you're at least 18 years old as well. If you have any bills under your name, take them with you as well because they can serve as proof of residence.
Tip #2 Prepare proof of schooling. Credit card companies generally prefer to issue credit cards to students who belong to accredited colleges and universities. If you belong to such a school then you're in luck. If not, you can compensate it by showing your previous records – if they're excellent, that is. Just like when you're applying for a driver's license, credit card issuers also take academic and extra-curricular excellence as a sign of maturity and trustworthiness in your part.
Tip #3 Prepare proof of financial assets. Student credit cards tend to charge higher rates than usual, but you might be qualified for lower rates if you're already working or you have money and a bank account in your name. Either way, make sure you can submit documentary proof of your work or assets.
Tip #4 Speaking of interest rates, the first thing you should look for in a credit card is the lowest possible interest rates. This might mean not being able to enjoy a reward-based credit card, but at your age, you might not yet afford the higher rates charged by credit cards offering reward points. If you see a 0% APR credit card, make sure to check how long the offer would last and what the standard APR is afterwards.
Tip #5 A number of credit cards allows you to apply even without a cosigner, but some of them tend to have stricter application requirements. If you don't want to go through the trouble of submitting additional requirements, simply ask your parent or legal guardian to act as your guarantor when you apply for a credit card.
Tip #6 Always look for a credit card that allows you to manage your account online. This will allow you to check your account balance regularly and know when and how much you have to pay for your credit card every month.
Tip #7 There are a few additional perks that you might deem necessary. If you are fond of shopping online, look for a credit card that offers you fraud liability guarantee at no extra cost. Other credit cards offer you “thank you” points for being a prompt payer.
Tip #8 Now that you know what you need from a credit card, find one that matches your preferences and then submit your application. Remember to be courteous and answer all their questions honestly. You're sure to have your application approved in no time. Have fun with responsible swiping!
Both Lar & Mario Churchill are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
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