In another article I discuss 9 Sure Fire Methods to explode your Downline. In this Article I discuss 3 of those methods in more detail.
Prong 1 - MLM Team Newsletter
You can E-mail this newsletter using the Downline Mailer or Free or Paid Auto responders available on the Internet. The Delivery method is secondary the key is to have a newsletter. The most important thing is to let your MLM Downline Members know you care and are there to serve them.
Here are some things you can do with your Newsletter
1. Announce Contests
2. Explain Key parts of the MLM program you are involved in
3. Run Contests
4. Spotlight a Downline Member of the Week
5. Have a Tip of the Week
6. Give Recruiting Tips
7. Announce the Ad Co-Op
8. Announce Conference Calls
9. Brag a little about how well you are doing
10. Encourage your MLM team to join the Team Newsgroup and post often.
By keeping a regular newsletter schedule your team members will be looking forward to receiving it. Keep your word, If you say you are going to send out the newsletter every Friday, then be sure send it out every Friday.
Prong 2 - The MLM Team Blog
A Blog just ads a little more versatility to your Newsletter. Post an archive containing each and every newsletter in your Blog. This allows new members to get up and running by reading past newsletters, it also allows older members to review past newsletters anytime a need arises.
Post at least 2 Times per week to the MLM team blog in addition to posting the team newsletter. Like Your Newsletter try and keep a Blog Schedule. Be sure and tell your team Members that you may have Surprise Blogs so to check more often. Encourage your Team members to add your RSS Feed to their Favorite Blog Reader
Things to Blog about
1. New Ad Resource you found.
2. A Little known feature of the MLM Program
3. A huge Surge in membership.
4. Some topic that seems to be getting attention in the Newsgroup
5. Update something you wrote in your newsletter with new and improved Information
6. A quote of the day, Week
7. An Interesting article someone else wrote
Prong 3 - The MLM Team Newsgroup
The Newsgroup is the most important part of the 3 Prongs (You can sign-up for a free newsgroup at Yahoo, Google MSN) The Newsgroup is the place your team members can go to interact with each other. The newsgroup is an online meeting place where your MLM team members help and encourage each other. This is the place your team to really does become a Team.
You need to be pro active in the newsgroup. Post timely Replies to your MLM Team Members. Always ask questions of your MLM team members so you know the best way to help your MLM teammamtes. Use the MLM Team newsgroup to gauge the Pulse of the MLM team. The Newsgroup is your stethoscope into the heartbeat and soul of your MLM Team.
be sure and use your MLM Team Blog and MLM Team Newsletter to promote your MLM Team Newsgroup. It is important to get all of your MLM Team members participating in the team MLM newsgroup. Be sure the team knows the Team MLM newsgroup is theirs and that they can guide it any way they want too. Have the team to choose the newsgroup moderator.
Mike Makler has sinced written about articles on various topics from Multi Level Marketing, Team Building and How to Sell on Ebay. Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001 When he Built an Organization of over 100,000 Members Get Mike's Newsletter: . Mike Makler's top article generates over 49500 views. Bookmark Mike Makler to your Favourites.
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