One of the most expensive purchases you will make in your lifetime after your home is the purchase of a new vehicle. Indeed, over your lifetime you may end up paying more for several vehicles then what you paid for one home. Once your car is paid off you will soon start to encounter a growing number of repairs that must be done in order to adequately maintain your car. At some point it may simply be better to purchase a new car instead of putting up with repairs. However, if you are interested in keeping your older car longer than let's look at some tried and true ways you can save money on auto supplies, parts and accessories.
The Junkyard ? You can save a mint by visiting your local salvage yard for a ?new? bumper or a replacement radiator. True, you could buy these items new but you'll pay a bundle for each part. The more common your model, the more likely your junkyard has what you want. Best of all, many modern day yards computer inventory all of their salvaged vehicles so a simple call to the yard can reveal whether that model is there or not.
The Dealer ? The best place to get original equipment manufacturer parts is through your local dealer. They have everything your vehicle needs or can order it for you. However, just remember a dealer can be a pricey option for you: you'll pay the full price on just about everything in their inventory.
The Discount Chains ? Nationwide discount auto chains have pretty much everything you need and for less. Shop the discounters for air filters, brake parts, car bras, headlamps, floor mats, and much more. Check their sales as this where you can save the most on car parts and accessories.
The Online Wholesaler ? Online wholesalers have risen up to service the consumer. The advantages of shopping with reputable internet provider are that they have a low cost overhead and most of their goods are purchased direct. No middle man mark ups, just the lowest prices on name brand parts. Most will ship your order to you for free and have online assistants standing by to help you out. Savings of 10 to 60 percent off of the going retail rate are common with online wholesalers.
Yes, your car is a classic but it doesn't have to be a costly one at that. Shop around and save on all of your car parts and accessories.
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