Different medications do different things. Some will reduce the acid created, some will improve muscle performance in the stomach area and some will help to clear the stomach. Most medications are available over the counter but you should still check with the doctor before you take anything.
Most people will use antacids which are most common. They contain magnesium, calcium or aluminum salts. They usually work the best in hydroxide or bicarbonate form and are used to neutralize the acid in the stomach. There are side effects from these medications such as constipation (from aluminum) and diarrhea (from magnesium). People with pre-existing diseases such as diabetes need to be careful when taking these over the counter medications containing magnesium salts. A combination of diabetic medication along with episodes of diarrhea can be life threatening.
You can also buy a product called Gaviscon which is a foaming agent. It produces a type of foam that coats the acid reflux and stops it from coming back through the Esopheal Sphincter.
Other medications like Pepcid and Zantac are referred to as H2 blockers. They will lessen the acid production. Cimetidine, Pepcid, nizatidine and Zantac are in this group which can work on as many as 50 percent of suffers. It is always advisable to talk with your doctor to set a doseage for these medications.
Proton Pump Inhibitors are generally longer lasting for reducing acid production. They are the strongest medications that you can get and they are by prescription only. Prilosec, Zegerid, Prevacid, Protonix, Aciphes and Nexium are all in this category. They are more effective that H2 blockers.
Prokinetics will help to strengthen the Lower Sphincter and clear the stomach quicker. They are unpopular as they have many side effects such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, sleeplessness and co-ordination etc.
Generally your doctor will treat you with various drugs depending on your own unique situation.
Acid Reflux Aloe Vera
The acid that is regurgitated most often consists of a few compounds: acid, bile, and pepsin. Stomach acid is used in the digestion of food and can be a major irritant to the esophagus due to its tendency to damage tissues. Bile is created in the liver and may be backed up into the stomach, causing it to be released by acid reflux. Pepsin, the last common compound, is actually an enzyme which helps to kick-start the stomach into breaking down proteins.
Once a person becomes afflicted with acid reflux, they usually face the disease for the rest of their lives. Esophagitis that is caused by acid reflux can also be expected to be a life-long problem. Once treatment for acid reflux has begun, a patient is usually advised to continue taking the medication for as long as they want to prevent the disease from affecting them.
One thing that may shock you is that everyone actually experiences this regurgitation frequently, as was shown in a research study. However, those who are afflicted with acid reflux are known to have a higher acid content in the fluid that is brought into the esophagus than the fluids of a person that doesnt have the disease. The fluid also often stays in the esophagus for longer periods of time in those who have acid reflux.
Our bodies do the best that they can to prevent acid reflux from actually causing harm. During hours in which a person is awake, the reflux is usually remedied by a simple swallow. Also, the saliva generated in our salivary glands contains bicarbonate, which is a neutralizing agent to the effects of acid.
When we sleep, however, we are usually horizontal, causing acid to rest in the esophagus for more extended periods of time, leading to greater damage. There are many reasons that someone may suffer from acid reflux, and the same person may experience several of the different problems throughout the course of their illness.
Acid reflux leads to heartburn, which is pretty much the defining characteristic and symptom of reflux. The pain felt through acid reflux can be similar to angina, which is a serious heart condition. For that reason, you should go to a doctor if you experience heavy heartburn to determine what the cause is. Acid reflux is most commonly experienced after eating a meal, since this is the period of time in which reflux is most likely.
People who are afflicted with acid reflux may also experience full regurgitation of fluid, leaving a nasty taste in their mouth and esophageal damage. Nausea occurs in some people with reflux, and it may be accompanied by full-out vomiting. Heartburn and nausea are the two most common reasons people discover that they are afflicted with reflux. If either of the symptoms sound like something you may be experiencing, its important to get a hold of a health care professional so they can help you to eliminate the problem.
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