So basically, more content means more visitors which means more m*ney!
But what if you really hate writing or can't think of ways to get more content?
If that is the case, then here are six great places where you can easily add quality content to your website.
Google Alerts
Google has a service that sends news, press releases, and website information to your email account. Easy to set up, you enter a search phrase and Google Alerts will send you updates about that specific topic. You easily take this information and create a 100-150 word summary that can be entered into a blog or news section.
To get started, you can check-out Google Alerts:
Public Domain
There are tons of books, magazines and websites full of great content that can be easily copied to your website. Called Public Domain Works, this is content that is written by someone else which has no copyright protection. You have the legal-right to take it and use it for your own purpose. By using public domain works, you can easily create sites with thousands of pages.
Some of the better places to find Public Domain works are or Articles
By using other people's articles, you can easily add thousands of pages to your website. If you go to an article directory, you can find a large variety of web articles that are related to your topic. In addition, most of these articles are quite informative and provide quality content to your web visitor.
Two of the better places to find quality web articles are and Outsource Your Content
If you have a little c*sh to spend, you can easily hire someone else to write tons of web content. What I usually do is find about 30-50 profitable keywords in my niche and hire someone to write an optimized article of 400-600 words. Usually you can find authors for around $8-$10 per article. So for a small-investment, you can get great content that is unique and optimized for search engines.
Here are few places where you can find quality (and affordable) people to write content articles: and
Private Label Resale Rights
One of the “hidden” places to get quality content is through websites that offer private label resale rights. With private label rights you get full access to ebooks and articles that are written by other people. You have full permission to change or present the content in any way that you see fit. So if you find an ebook with 101 tips on a topic, you can easily turn this material into a series of web pages. You can also take this one step further and create an autoresponder sequence that is tied into your major affiliate-program.
One of the best places I use to get private label rights is RSS Feeds
A great way to get fresh content is to have a RSS Feed installed on your website. Basically a RSS Feed is a tool that pulls news items from a website or blog. A great trick is to place the RSS Feed on all your web pages, so search engines see that your content is being consistently updated.
What I usually do is use a feed that pulls entries from my own blog. That way, I can control the content and amount of times that it is being updated.
One of the better places to find a good RSS Feed for your website is .
Although I have given you six great places to get content, there is one thing you should know about using it. Many search engines penalize websites for having duplicate content. So if you know that this information is listed on other sites, you need to change or add to the content. What I usually do is add to or alter about 25% of the content. This will help you avoid the duplicate content filter that is used by major search engines.
By utilizing all six of these content sources, you can easily build up a site filled with thousands of pages of fresh quality content that will attract tons of web-traffic. Once this is done, you will see your income soar through the roof.
A Web Content Management
Let's do that math, shall we?
Let's say that you pay yourself $40 an hour (that's the average rate of a webmaster these days). If everyday you spend about an hour writing a 700-word article from scratch, editing it, and making sure that the grammar and spelling is correct, etc., then
you would have spent $1,200 a month on ONLY 30 articles! You would have used up 30 hours of your precious time - time that you should have used to come up with more profitable web ventures, creating new ideas, learning more about what opportunities are out there waiting for you.
The good news is - there are certainly more efficient ways of obtaining original content tailored specifically for your website.
There are membership sites with access to hundreds of original, top-quality fresh and unique articles that you can modify to suit your needs. The monthly fee is VERY low - certainly diminutive when compared to your expenses when you write the articles yourself. For a monthly or yearly subscription you may only be paying
a few cents per article.
Some specialize in developing various topics where you can make requests for articles on the keywords you desire. You will be sure to get only well-researched, professionally written articles that you can modify to suit your website. Yes, although the membership in these sites is generally limited as to the number of people who sign up, you do want to make some modifications to the articles you receive so they are uniquely your own. You can get fresh articles every month, article submission links, tips on how to get free targeted traffic and a member's site that expands for you! What's more, you can even access special reports that you can distribute to your customers as incentives, create e-Books for viral marketing, create e-zine articles that will give your site relevant link-ins, and even develop newsletters.
Free traffic is great and a good way to get content, but there are other alternatives that can get you the content you need more directly and more specifically directed at your desired keywords. The problem with free articles is that you have to include someone else's link in the resource box and not your own. You are therefore not the author or owner and you are promoting for someone else when this is not necessary.
There are other ways to get the content that you are looking for however a membership site is one that you may want to look into for your content needs.
Both Scott Patterson & Gregg Forscher are contributors for EditorialToday. The above articles have been edited for relevancy and timeliness. All write-ups, reviews, tips and guides published by and its partners or affiliates are for informational purposes only. They should not be used for any legal or any other type of advice. We do not endorse any author, contributor, writer or article posted by our team.
Gregg Forscher has sinced written about articles on various topics from Online Business, Computers and The Internet and SEO Articles. Gregg Forscher author of Do You Need Fresh Web Content and founder of Discount Web Content Provider has provided a membership site for quality unique content at pennies for articles of your choice and offers a 50% commmission affiliate program.. Gregg Forscher's top article generates over 1600 views. Bookmark Gregg Forscher to your Favourites.
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